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[vsnet-newvar 2171] (fwd) Re: [AAVSO-DIS] New/brighter object near HX PEG?

Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 12:15:04 -0700
To: Michael Linnolt <linnolt@hawaii.edu>,
	Taichi Kato <tkato@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
From: Steve Brewster <palostar@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: [AAVSO-DIS] New/brighter object near HX PEG?
Cc: aavso discussion <aavso-discussion@aavso.org>,

Michael and Mike,

I plan to image the area of HX Peg tonight using the .76-m at Stony Ridge.

I've downloaded the D & E charts for HX Peg but the 155 star is not located 
on it.

I will use Mike's position of (2000) 23 40 03 +12 36 45 as my field center.

Anything further?

I'll keep you posted.

Steve Brewster SBS

At 11:29 PM 9/19/2003 -1000, Michael Linnolt wrote:
>Whilst observing HX Peg (starting to outburst at V=14.0) I noticed a
>new/brighter object nearly coincident with the star USNO-B1.0 1026-0769191
>(also marked as comp 155 on Simonsen chart 000906). Approx location = 23
>40 04  +12 38 01 (J2000). I made 3 observations
>over about 30 minutes, and it seems fairly steady about V=14.6 MPChecker
>shows one object within 15 arcmin (2000 AD23) but its several arcmin away
>and V=17.9
>Confirmation is urgently requested!
>HXPeg Comp 155? 20030920.3479 14.6
>HXPeg Comp 155? 20030920.3569 14.6
>HXPeg Comp 155? 20030920.3715 14.6
>Mike Linnolt (LMK)
>Honolulu, HI
>Aavso-discussion mailing list

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