Do not use "AQR5". The better formal name is 1RXS_J231603.9-052713. (RXJ2316-0527 is a truncated name, not preferred either). From: "B Monard" <> Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 13:14:11 +0200 Subject: [vsnet-alert 7846] CCD observations follow-up CCD observations of 6 September 2003 observer: Berto Monard MLF, Pretoria, South Africa Bronberg observatory / CBA Pretoria location: -25 º 54' 48", 28º 26' 44"E, altitude 1590m instrumentation: LX200 12" f/4.2 with ST-7E, unfiltered conditions: moon CENV1033 030906.695 165CR MLF NORIM 030906.700 171CR MLF TELQS 030906.713 155CR MLF 1RXS_J231603.9-052713 030906.720 159CR MLF * earlier observations: 1RXS_J231603.9-052713 030719.125 159CR MLF 1RXS_J231603.9-052713 030826.880 162CR MLF 1RXS_J231603.9-052713 030904.764 160CR MLF * According to the CV atlas, Aqr5 is 17.7B- and described as a polar with an orbital period of 0.1451day. Observations so far at CBA Pretoria have seen magnitudes around 16CR. Is Aqr5 in a high state since July (or earlier) 2003? or is this perhaps another mistaken red variable? The orbital period seems unusually long for a polar?
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