Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 13:43:43 +0200 (CEST) From: Ulisse Munari <> Subject: Spectral classification of the possible nova in Scutum The following report has been submitted to IAU Circulairs "We have observed the possible nova in Scutum that was announced on IAUC 8190 with the 1.22 m telescope + B&C spectrograph + CCD in Asiago on Aug 31.97 UT, at 0.23 nm/pix dispersion over the range 372 - 491 nm in cloudy sky conditions. The Balmer series is weakly in emission down to H-epsilon, and the line width is not appreciably larger than the instrumental profile (300 km/sec). The Balmer line profiles show a weak absorption component blushifted by 500 km/sec and a second emission peak red shifted by 650 km/sec with respect to the main emission line. The well developed absorption spectrum closely match that of a normal F2 supergiant, with normal intensity for s-element lines of 455.4 BaII and 407.8, 421.6 SrII." Corrado Boeche and Ulisse Munari, Asiago Observatory, Italy
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