Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 13:09:53 -0400 From: "W.Liller" <> Subject: More on Nova Oph Hola everyone - Last night, July 18.15 UT, through thin clouds, I was able to get a CCD objective grating spectrogram of the possible nova in Ophiuchus. H-alpha is present and strong in emission, some 12 times the intensity of the surrounding continuum. Its FWHM = 1450 km/sec. Here is what I have for the magnitudes: object YYYYMMDD(UT) mag code comments OPHnova2003 20030607.117 <11.1R LIL Red photographic* OPHnova2003 20030623.132 10.4R LIL Red photographic* OPHnova2003 20030714.985 11.1R LIL Red photographic* OPHnova2003 20030718.114 11.29V LIL CCD through clouds, +/- 0.07 mag OPHnova2003 20030718.116 12.13B LIL CCD through clouds, +/- 0.07 mag Thus, the nova has a B-V of approximately +0.8. All the best to all, Bill Liller * Made with Kodak TP film, an orange filter, and an 85mm f/1.5 Nikon lens. Uncertainties +/- 0.2 mags.
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