Taichi Kato wrote: >Possible Nova in Ophiuchus > >Dear Colleagues, > > Akira Takao (Kitakyushu, Japan) reports the detection of a likely new >object on his two unfiltered CCD images taken on July 10 and 16. > > > > Oops! I first detected this object in the course of my own survey on June 16 but mistook it for a variable. I even assigned a number for it in my own catalog of variables that I can detect with my equipment! I took numerous images when I first noticed it (waiting for it to move; hoping for a comet) but when it didn't, I catalogued it and moved on especially since it was visible (but much fainter) on previous images. Here is a list of prediscovery observations using an unfiltered 140mm f/2.8 telephoto lens + ST8. YYYYMMDD JD CCD-R 20030321 2452720.10023 12.9 20030405 2452735.15183 13.1 20030429 2452759.07862 13.2 20030504 2452764.06586 13.1 20030510 2452770.03739 13.1 20030522 2452782.16690 13.0 20030529 2452789.09510 12.6 20030616 2452807.03354 10.1 20030616 2452807.04613 10.2 20030616 2452807.06032 10.3 20030616 2452807.08168 10.3 20030616 2452807.10305 10.1 20030705 2452826.07376 9.8 An updated position based on my images is 17h 19m 14s.2 -27d 22' 34" (+/- 5") J2000 -- Vello Tabur Comet Hunting Techniques http://vsnet.tip.net.au/~vello R&D, SearchSoftwareAmerica http://vsnet.searchsoftware.com
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