Subject: V4006 Sgr periodicity > 180715.3 -272535 (2000.0) SGRV4006 M 11.6 <14.4 P 37846 281 - 180407. -272600 (B1950.0) V4006 Sgr (taken from GCVS online) 180412.0 -272457 (B1950.0) processed from 180720.388 -272432.27 (J2000.0) If the position was given only in 0m.1 and 1' accuracy, they are well consistent. And, extrapolating the periodicity, the expected maximum would occur around 1958.65, near to the epoch when it cought brighter in POSS I image (vsnet-alert 7701). It is also valid for the most recent maximum, suggested by Jim Bedient (vsnet-alert 7700). The nominal position of GSC 6850.4355 is about 17" away from the suspected object, and around this nominal position there are some crowded stars. I guess it should be avoided to call this object as GSC6850.4355 in further reporting. Please specify the appropriate name, Taichi ? Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan
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