Dear Sir, I would like to report a discovery of a new variable in the constellation of Virgo. The star is GSC 00323:00830 with coordinates RA=14h19m41s Dec=+05d54m02s Epoch: 2000.0 The eclipsing Binary NN Vir is very close to this (just 43 arcseconds North-East with position angle of 250 degrees). Although NN Vir is very close to the new variable, scattered light was carefully rejected in aperture photometry, by selecting small but sufficient apertures. Its magnitude is 10.4 in V filter, according to Hipparchos database. My observations show that this star is a pulsating variable with a very small amplitude (only 0.06 mag in I filter) and a pulsating period of P=0.2459 days. A rough Ephemeris is the following: Min=2452725.5225+0.2459xE The observations were made on March 26 and 28, 2003. Observer: Kosmas Gazeas Observatory: University of Athens Observatory, Athens, Greece. The equipment used was: 40cm f/8 Cassegrain telescope with SBIG ST8 CCD camera and BVRI (Bessel) filters. I attach a lightcurve in I filter. I will proceed with further analysis and I will soon publish the complete lightcurves in all (BVRI) filters. Please, confirm this observation and let me know if this is indeed a new variable. Sincerely Yours, Kosmas Gazeas University of Athens Observatory, Athens, Greece
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