Dear colleagues, I examined VRI photometry of the fields of Draco C-1, ER Del, LT Del, FG Ser, IV Vir and QW Sge taken with 40cm telescope at Brno observatory in 2002 (some data were taken together with Petr Sobotka and Jan Skalicky). The images were processed automatically with respect to comparison stars measured by Henden (Henden & Munari 2000). The field photometry was searched for new variable stars using algorithm described e.g. in Pojmanski, 2000 (astro-ph/0005236), and implemented in VARFIND by Lukas Kral ( In my previous emails I introduced weird filter "Vc". This is a mistake and it should be corrected to "V". It was a bug in my magnitude processing code. 4 new variable stars and one suspected variable were found. Pej 014 in the field of FG Ser RA = 18:15:31.5, Dec = -00:22:34, USNO A2.0 gives B-R = 3.3 mag The colour and amplitude of light changes suggest a Mira type star: 20020519.0030 10.76Ic 20020603.9697 10.47Ic 20020705.9080 10.08Ic 20020722.8664 10.08Ic 20020727.8488 10.05Ic 20020819.8352 10.09Ic 20020830.8149 10.18Ic 20021026.7408 10.94Ic 20020519.0044 13.14Rc 20020603.9708 12.96Rc 20020705.9091 12.46Rc 20020722.8672 12.52Rc 20020727.8486 12.44Rc 20020819.8350 12.46Rc 20020830.8147 12.50Rc 20021026.7406 13.47Rc Pej 015 in the field of FG Ser RA = 18:14:58.6, Dec = -00:23:00.4, USNO A2.0 gives B-R = 2.8 mag This looks like some kind of longer period red variable either Mira or SR. 20020519.0030 11.85Ic 20020603.9697 11.89Ic 20020705.9080 11.82Ic 20020722.8664 11.87Ic 20020727.8488 11.93Ic 20020819.8352 11.94Ic 20020830.8149 12.01Ic 20021026.7408 12.29Ic 20020519.0044 13.56Rc 20020603.9708 13.70Rc 20020705.9091 13.60Rc 20020722.8672 13.78Rc 20020727.8487 13.82Rc 20020819.8350 13.74Rc 20020830.8147 14.05Rc 20021026.7406 14.27Rc Pej 016 in the field of LT Del RA = 20:35:44.4, Dec = +20:06:57, USNO A2.0 gives B-R = 2.7 mag Almost complete cycle of this bright star has been catched. The period is approx. 240 days and thus a low amplitude Mira or higher amplitude SR. 20020519.0114 9.33Ic 20020603.9879 9.72Ic 20020705.9602 10.49Ic 20020723.0397 10.71Ic 20020727.9947 10.70Ic 20020819.9925 10.75Ic 20020830.9169 10.57Ic 20021026.8903 9.50Ic 20030105.7287 9.22Ic 20020519.0130 11.45Rc 20020603.9900 12.01Rc 20020705.9614 13.08Rc 20020723.0411 13.31Rc 20020727.9946 13.33Rc 20020819.9924 13.34Rc 20020830.9167 13.15Rc 20021026.8902 11.53Rc 20021231.7910 11.01Rc 20030105.7285 11.18Rc 20020519.0150 13.54V 20020603.9922 14.32V 20021026.8900 13.43V 20030105.7282 13.05V Pej 017 in the field of QW Sge RA = 19:45:31.3, Dec = +18:37:12, USNO A2.0 gives B-R = 3.1 mag The light curve is little bit messy due to the faintness of the star, the colour suggest low amplitude SR. Only I band data are useful, the star is invisible on V band images and barely visible on R band images. 20020604.0544 12.43Ic 20020706.0628 12.35Ic 20020722.9488 12.76Ic 20020727.9822 12.65Ic 20020819.9785 12.57Ic 20020830.9027 12.77Ic 20021026.8764 12.74Ic 20030105.7132 12.58Ic Finally I would like to draw your attention to GSC 3895:1630 in the field of Draco C-1. This star is variable on I and R band images with light curve of shorter period (though not _very_ short - maybe on the order of few days). The problem is that there is a close companion to this star on my images (I guess some 5 arcsec away) and thus hampering the photometry. The star is quite blue (R-I ~ 0.4). Could this be a cepheid star in the Draco galaxy? Best regards, Ondrej Pejcha