CMC12 190540.3-000154 - Mira variable RA2000 : 19h05m40.35s Dec2000: -00d01'54.6" r' mag 14.121 s.d. 2.439 from 4 observations Variation is just about evident on three red images from the NOFS server, but is clearer and easier to see in the three blue plates from the same source, due to crowding. Indeed, this may well be a happenstance discovery, as the standard deviation for the r' mag may have more to do with the crowded field and varying seeing at the times of observation than actual detection of the object at different magnitudes. Nevertheless, it can be seen to vary. The object has no B1 colour quoted, but examination of it on the contemporaneous POSS I blue and red plates shows it to be far brighter on the red. The object is by far brightest on the far red plate. It is also quite bright in 2MASS. IDENTIFICATIONS USNO B1.0 0899-044455 2MASS 1905403-000155 The following are probably the same object, given the colour, but crowded fields can be problematic and these catalogues are not known for great positional accuracy MSX5C_G034.5289-03.1811 IRAS 19030-0006 ---------------- John Greaves