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[vsnet-newvar 1777] (fwd) Sequence for ASAS 000155-6707.7 = 1RXSJ000154.2-670749 = EC 23593-6724

From: "Mati Morel" <morel@ozemail.com.au>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 14:12:52 +1100
Subject: [vsnet-sequence 217] Sequence for ASAS 000155-6707.7 = 1RXSJ000154.2-670749 = EC 23593-6724 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Wils" <patrickwils@yahoo.com>
To: <vsnet-id@ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 6:23 PM
Subject: [vsnet-id 720] ASAS 000155-6707.7 = 1RXSJ000154.2-670749 = EC

> I haven't been following the cataclysmic variable lists very
> thoroughly, so I am not sure whether the following is already commonly
> known.
> The variable ASAS 000155-6707.7 in the third list of ASAS variables
> (http://archive.princeton.edu/~asas/) may be identified with the
> novalike variable 1RXSJ000154.2-670749 = EC 23593-6724 from the list of
> Downes et.al.  It is classified as MISC with a period of 228 days in
> the ASAS catalogue.  Two outbursts to about mag 12.4 were observed near
> JD 2451890 and 2452120, so it is probably a new dwarf nova.
> Patrick
This variable is included in the Downes & Shara _Living Edition_ of their
Catalog and Atlas of CVs under the name
1RXS J0001-6707, with max. mag of 13.4. The ASAS3 catalogue gives a light
curve, showing two maxima which have the characteristic rapid rise and fall
of a UG star, but the amplitude is a bit small, only 2.5 mag.  Is it a UG or
Novalike var.?
As luck would have it, there is a published sequence only 7' away which
should suffice for the time being. This is sequence J45.3 by S.Demers et al,
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 99,461-498 (1993).  Coordinates for the sequence
stars were extracted some time ago by Brian Skiff.
Sequence Demers J45.3.
Star #  RA 2000    DEC 2000       V       B-V    GSC No.
3        00:00:46.6   -66:58:52    12.09  0.55     8846-00054
4        00:00:52.4   -66:57:18    18.00  0.66
5        00:00:55.4   -66:58:57    15.09  0.62     8846-00508
7        00:00:56.2   -66:57:39    19.24  0.81
10      00:01:01.3   -66:57:21    13.50  0.86     8846-00110
14      00:01:04.0   -66:58:55    17.06  0.70
15      00:01:04.3   -66:57:43    14.45  0.66     8846-00581
17      00:01:07.4   -66 57:56    16.74  1.03
18:     00:01:08.6   -66:59:23    19.07  0.52
20      00:01:14.9   -66:57:29    17.30  0.72
21      00:01:16.1   -66:58:10    15.57  0.75

The variable is also catalogued as GSC 8846-00365 (14.7) at
00:01:55.06  -67:07:43.5

Mati Morel

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