Taichi Kato wrote: > IDs of TbrV0101 - TbrV0150 > One secure NSV star (NSV18043 = TbrV0147), one possible NSV star, needs > a further check (NSV19483 ?= TbrV0149). Two Wray emission-line stars > deserving further attention. Yes. You are correct about TbrV0147. My VizieR search failed to check the NSV supplement. I have corrected that problem now. With regard to TbrV0149, I have checked my images and confirmed that the variable is GSC 8996-00455. Although NSV19483 is closeby, the position given for it corresponds to GSC 8996-01474, which approximately 50" east of TbrV0149. I wonder if NSV19483 was originally misidentifed? -- Vello Tabur Comet Hunting Techniques http://vsnet.tip.net.au/~vello R&D, SearchSoftwareAmerica http://vsnet.searchsoftware.com