IDs of TbrV0101 - TbrV0150 (The same restrictions of the ID accurary applies as in the previous report). One secure NSV star (NSV18043 = TbrV0147), one possible NSV star, needs a further check (NSV19483 ?= TbrV0149). Two Wray emission-line stars deserving further attention. ## TbrV0101 IRAS14337-6215 143347.4 -621517 (1950.0) F12=75.84 F25=43.64 F60=8.31 F100=13.18 VAR=99 LRS=26 blue, 10micron (silicate) emission, strength=6 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 143740.8 -622815 (2000.0) MSX5C_G314.8671-02.0868 37 41 68 71 55 57 V(%):1:1:1:2:2:1 143741.2 -622816 (2000.0) IRAS14337-6215 72.980 45.300 8.393 13.710 99% 3(LRS) 143741.2 -622816 (2000.0) SSC14337-6215 72.980 45.300 8.393 13.710 ## TbrV0102 GSC9026.4306 154250.63 -634148.8 (2000.0) 11.51 0 N USNO0225.23654365 154250.637 -634148.81 (2000.0) 11.5 99.9 IRAS15384-6332 153826.6 -633218 (1950.0) F12=12.02 F25=6.92 F60=1.74 F100=1.90L VAR=18 LRS=15 blue featureless, spec.index=2.5 VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 154250.8 -634150 (2000.0) IRAS15384-6332 11.530 7.080 1.660 1.930L 18% 2(LRS) 154250.8 -634150 (2000.0) SSC15384-6332 11.530 7.080 1.660 1.930L 154250.8 -634151 (2000.0) 1163 1.12 TYC2-9026.4306.1 (11.75 0.15) (13.06 0.29) ## TbrV0103 GSC8525.757 060529.66 -551314.4 (2000.0) 11.97 0 USNO0300.02046846 060529.658 -551314.62 (2000.0) 9.8 11.6 IRAS06045-5512 060431.2 -551251 (1950.0) F12=3.63 F25=2.29 F60=0.58L F100=1.00L VAR=20 LRS=-1 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 060528.7 -551312 (2000.0) IRAS06045-5512 3.592 2.201 0.566L 1.000L 20% 060528.7 -551312 (2000.0) SSC06045-5512 3.592 2.201 0.566L 1.000L 060530.4 -551314 (2000.0) FSC06045-5512 3.478 2.096 0.287 0.807L 060529.6 -551314 (2000.0) 1044 1.34 TYC8525.757.1 plx=60.5(36.1) (0.06 0.17) 060529.7 -551314 (2000.0) 1058 1.61 TYC2-8525.757.1 (10.75 0.06) (12.65 0.23) 060532.2 -551341 (2000.0) CD-55.1354 10.0 ## TbrV0104 GSC9506.2332 082409.25 -835018.6 (2000.0) 14.17 0 USNO0000.00560097 082409.209 -835018.71 (2000.0) 14.3 14.0 IRAS08297-8340 082945.0 -834019 (1950.0) F12=3.02 F25=1.90 F60=0.36 F100=1.10L VAR=98 LRS=-1 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 082409.4 -835018 (2000.0) IRAS08297-8340 2.992 1.876 0.380 1.058L 98% 082409.4 -835018 (2000.0) SSC08297-8340 2.992 1.876 0.380 1.058L 082410.0 -835015 (2000.0) FSC08297-8340 2.923 1.825 0.350 0.935L ## TbrV0105 USNO0300.03056996 073329.152 -561805.67 (2000.0) 13.5 16.7 IRAS07324-5611 073227.5 -561130 (1950.0) F12=10.96 F25=5.75 F60=0.76 F100=5.25L VAR=99 LRS=-1 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 073328.9 -561805 (2000.0) FSC07324-5611 9.114 5.518 0.661 0.945L 073329.3 -561805 (2000.0) IRAS07324-5611 11.280 5.948 0.739 5.424L 99% 073329.3 -561805 (2000.0) SSC07324-5611 11.280 5.948 0.739 5.424L ## TbrV0106 USNO0300.21666566 143346.734 -571107.21 (2000.0) 12.0 21.5 IRAS14301-5657 143009.5 -565758 (1950.0) F12=5.25 F25=3.31 F60=0.91L F100=22.90L VAR=34 LRS=-1 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 143346.6 -571107 (2000.0) IRAS14301-5657 5.332 3.280 0.909L 22.650L 34% 143346.6 -571107 (2000.0) SSC14301-5657 5.332 3.280 0.909L 22.650L 143348.6 -571104 (2000.0) MSX5C_G316.4892+02.9678 -15 9 5 4 3 3 V(%):-:-:1:1:1:3 ## TbrV0107 USNO0225.23922192 154842.620 -665450.93 (2000.0) 13.0 13.8 * IRAS15439-6645 154358.2 -664540 (1950.0) F12=14.45 F25=7.58 F60=1.58 F100=1.32L VAR=99 LRS=12 blue featureless, spec.index=1.0 VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 154842.2 -665451 (2000.0) IRAS15439-6645 15.060 7.412 1.518 1.307L 99% 2(LRS) 154842.2 -665451 (2000.0) SSC15439-6645 15.060 7.412 1.518 1.307L ## TbrV0108 GSC9113.184 205828.62 -653806.6 (2000.0) 15.27 0 N GSC9113.184 205828.71 -653806.5 (2000.0) 14.89 0 USNO0225.31073561 205828.632 -653806.56 (2000.0) 11.5 15.2 IRAS20541-6549 205407.9 -654945 (1950.0) F12=173.75 F25=91.18 F60=14.45 F100=4.78 VAR=99 LRS=29 blue, 10micron (silicate) emission, strength=9 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 205827.8 -653807 (2000.0) FSC20541-6549 157.100 90.450 13.210 4.876 205828.0 -653807 (2000.0) IRAS20541-6549 180.200 88.990 14.960 4.797 99% 4(LRS) 205828.0 -653807 (2000.0) SSC20541-6549 180.200 88.990 14.960 4.797 ## TbrV0109 GSC8145.1090 073230.02 -504522.6 (2000.0) 12.80 0 USNO0375.03633115 073230.020 -504522.96 (2000.0) 13.4 12.5 IRAS07311-5038 073111.2 -503850 (1950.0) F12=5.75 F25=2.29 F60=0.40L F100=7.58L VAR=97 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell 073229.7 -504520 (2000.0) IRAS07311-5038 5.920 2.342 0.408L 7.785L 97% 073229.7 -504520 (2000.0) SSC07311-5038 5.920 2.342 0.408L 7.785L 073229.7 -504522 (2000.0) FSC07311-5038 6.031 2.487 0.822L 14.720L ## TbrV0110 USNO0300.03150059 073846.580 -543400.50 (2000.0) 12.6 17.0 IRAS07376-5426 073737.3 -542658 (1950.0) F12=1.00 F25=0.48 F60=0.40L F100=1.32L VAR=12 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 073845.6 -543358 (2000.0) FSC07376-5427 1.058 0.403 0.206L 1.109L 073845.7 -543354 (2000.0) IRAS07376-5426 0.977 0.484 0.400L 1.310L 12% 073845.7 -543354 (2000.0) SSC07376-5426 0.977 0.484 0.400L 1.310L ## TbrV0111 USNO0225.03468975 071446.979 -604742.45 (2000.0) 12.7 15.6 071444.0 -604728 (2000.0) FSC07140-6042 0.384 0.111 0.116L 0.634L IRAS07141-6042 071410.6 -604245 (1950.0) F12=0.36 F25=0.25L F60=0.40L F100=1.44L VAR=-1 LRS=-1 071451.2 -604805 (2000.0) IRAS07141-6042 0.353 0.250L 0.400L 1.395L -1% 071451.2 -604805 (2000.0) SSC07141-6042 0.353 0.250L 0.400L 1.395L ## TbrV0112 GSC8930.2649 084815.34 -615912.5 (2000.0) 13.61 0 N USNO0225.04851340 084815.448 -615912.74 (2000.0) 10.7 13.6 IRAS08472-6148 084715.3 -614802 (1950.0) F12=5.75 F25=2.29 F60=0.58 F100=1.58 VAR= 5 LRS=-1 VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 084815.2 -615912 (2000.0) FSC08472-6148 5.044 2.178 0.522 3.404L 084815.9 -615911 (2000.0) IRAS08472-6148 5.571 2.270 0.575 1.559 5% 084815.9 -615911 (2000.0) SSC08472-6148 5.571 2.270 0.575 1.559 084812.0 -615859 (2000.0) (M6III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0113 GSC8694.1008 150943.77 -541616.6 (2000.0) 14.58 0 N USNO0300.23113845 150943.722 -541617.32 (2000.0) 99.9 13.6 IRAS15060-5404 150602.6 -540452 (1950.0) F12=1.32 F25=0.58 F60=0.83L F100=43.64L VAR=82 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 150942.9 -541620 (2000.0) MSX5C_G322.3149+03.3117 15 -8 2 2 1 -1 V(%):-:-:1:2:1:- 150943.9 -541615 (2000.0) IRAS15060-5404 1.309 0.600 0.823L 42.620L 82% 150943.9 -541615 (2000.0) SSC15060-5404 1.309 0.600 0.823L 42.620L ## TbrV0114 GSC8349.2473 171543.45 -500123.1 (2000.0) 11.66 6 GSC8349.2473 171543.54 -500123.4 (2000.0) 13.63 0 USNO0375.30711603 171543.484 -500123.33 (2000.0) 99.9 13.4 * IRAS17118-4958 171151.7 -495803 (1950.0) F12=14.45 F25=8.31 F60=1.58 F100=12.02L VAR= 0 LRS=14 blue featureless, spec.index=2.0 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 171543.3 -500123 (2000.0) IRAS17118-4958 14.930 8.585 1.526 12.550L 0% 2(LRS) 171543.3 -500123 (2000.0) SSC17118-4958 14.930 8.585 1.526 12.550L ## TbrV0115 GSC8300.3303 154040.84 -473720.3 (2000.0) 12.88 6 GSC8300.3303 154040.87 -473720.1 (2000.0) 12.58 6 USNO0375.25440193 154040.784 -473720.50 (2000.0) 12.5 17.3 154041.5 -473720 (2000.0) IRAS15371-4727 0.704 0.365 0.400L 3.067L 25% 154041.5 -473720 (2000.0) SSC15371-4727 0.704 0.365 0.400L 3.067L ## TbrV0116 USNO0225.22737474 152607.580 -604949.76 (2000.0) 11.1 12.9 152608.2 -604948 (2000.0) MSX5C_G320.6971-03.4111 -17 -9 6 4 3 3 V(%):-:-:1:3:2:- 152608.3 -604950 (2000.0) IRAS15220-6039 4.139 2.068 4.102L 46.380L 7% 152608.3 -604950 (2000.0) SSC15220-6039 4.139 2.068 4.102L 46.380L ## TbrV0117 USNO0225.24890134 161234.906 -663635.99 (2000.0) 14.1 14.1 IRAS16077-6628 160745.0 -662856 (1950.0) F12=1.00 F25=0.44 F60=0.40L F100=1.44L VAR= 2 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 161234.4 -663634 (2000.0) FSC16077-6628 1.017 0.419 0.206L 2.024L 161235.3 -663638 (2000.0) IRAS16077-6628 0.997 0.420 0.400L 1.489L 2% 161235.3 -663638 (2000.0) SSC16077-6628 0.997 0.420 0.400L 1.489L ## TbrV0118 IRAS17003-5158 170022.3 -515821 (1950.0) F12=4.78 F25=2.09 F60=0.58L F100=17.37L VAR=22 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 170418.8 -520230 (2000.0) IRAS17003-5158 4.951 2.067 0.571L 16.940L 22% 170418.8 -520230 (2000.0) SSC17003-5158 4.951 2.067 0.571L 16.940L ## TbrV0119 USNO0225.26451501 165110.825 -613230.77 (2000.0) 10.9 15.0 IRAS16466-6127 164640.0 -612726 (1950.0) F12=3.98 F25=1.90 F60=0.44 F100=9.12L VAR= 8 LRS=-1 VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 165110.7 -613230 (2000.0) FSC16466-6127 3.991 1.786 0.736L 4.667L 165110.8 -613231 (2000.0) IRAS16466-6127 4.155 1.837 0.444 8.804L 8% 165110.8 -613231 (2000.0) SSC16466-6127 4.155 1.837 0.444 8.804L 165106.0 -613159 (2000.0) (M6III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0120 USNO0150.17360695 170637.572 -680358.72 (2000.0) 13.9 16.3 IRAS17013-6759 170123.2 -675957 (1950.0) F12=13.18 F25=6.31 F60=0.91 F100=1.10L VAR=99 LRS=26 blue, 10micron (silicate) emission, strength=6 II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell 170636.6 -680357 (2000.0) FSC17013-6759 12.240 5.645 0.901 1.808L 170637.5 -680359 (2000.0) IRAS17013-6759 12.810 6.347 0.932 1.116L 99% 2(LRS) 170637.5 -680359 (2000.0) SSC17013-6759 12.810 6.347 0.932 1.116L ## TbrV0121 USNO0375.37440999 190750.260 -505345.40 (2000.0) 12.0 17.3 IRAS19039-5058 190357.8 -505831 (1950.0) F12=2.75 F25=1.44 F60=0.40L F100=1.20L VAR=99 LRS=-1 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 190748.5 -505346 (2000.0) FSC19039-5058 2.626 1.471 0.217 1.003L 190750.4 -505346 (2000.0) IRAS19039-5058 2.852 1.503 0.400L 1.216L 99% 190750.4 -505346 (2000.0) SSC19039-5058 2.852 1.503 0.400L 1.216L ## TbrV0122 GSC8153.3628 082507.32 -475753.4 (2000.0) 14.35 0 GSC8153.3628 082507.36 -475753.4 (2000.0) 14.15 0 USNO0375.05626629 082507.342 -475753.05 (2000.0) 10.4 13.4 082507.3 -475752 (2000.0) CGCS_J0825-4757 (CGCS6291) - - - - IRAS08235-4747 082332.6 -474757 (1950.0) F12=10.00 F25=2.51 F60=1.10 F100=19.05L VAR= 0 LRS= 1 low S/N blue VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 082506.5 -475747 (2000.0) IRAS08235-4747 10.190 2.567 1.073 18.580L 0% 2(LRS) 082506.5 -475747 (2000.0) SSC08235-4747 10.190 2.567 1.073 18.580L ## TbrV0123 GSC8933.1799 082827.42 -641708.9 (2000.0) 13.64 0 GSC8933.1799 082827.47 -641709.3 (2000.0) 13.46 0 USNO0225.04432761 082827.434 -641709.11 (2000.0) 14.9 13.2 IRAS08277-6407 082744.3 -640705 (1950.0) F12=0.58 F25=0.23 F60=0.40L F100=1.20L VAR=93 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 082827.5 -641709 (2000.0) FSC08277-6407 0.569 0.198 0.113L 0.852L 082827.6 -641708 (2000.0) IRAS08277-6407 0.598 0.226 0.400L 1.183L 93% 082827.6 -641708 (2000.0) SSC08277-6407 0.598 0.226 0.400L 1.183L ## TbrV0124 GSC8173.383 090049.16 -495112.7 (2000.0) 12.80 6 USNO0375.07220495 090049.166 -495112.83 (2000.0) 13.4 15.3 IRAS08591-4939 085911.3 -493921 (1950.0) F12=4.36 F25=1.74 F60=3.31L F100=36.30L VAR=46 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 090048.9 -495112 (2000.0) MSX5C_G269.8948-02.3818 -35 12 5 4 2 3 V(%):-:-:0:2:2:- 090049.1 -495109 (2000.0) IRAS08591-4939 4.243 1.705 3.211L 36.100L 46% 090049.1 -495109 (2000.0) SSC08591-4939 4.243 1.705 3.211L 36.100L 090049.3 -495054 (2000.0) WRA317 ## TbrV0125 GSC8966.877 105405.30 -650713.5 (2000.0) 12.66 6 USNO0225.09834304 105405.262 -650713.85 (2000.0) 12.5 14.7 105358.8 -650719 (2000.0) IRAS10521-6451 5.349 2.923 0.413 4.186L 52% 105358.8 -650719 (2000.0) SSC10521-6451 5.349 2.923 0.413 4.186L 105400.0 -650600 (2000.0) M9(III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0126 USNO0225.10716207 111128.554 -630023.96 (2000.0) 10.1 16.2 IRAS11093-6244 110922.8 -624402 (1950.0) F12=10.00 F25=4.36 F60=2.09L F100=25.11L VAR=12 LRS=14 blue featureless, spec.index=2.0 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 111127.9 -630006 (2000.0) WRA770 111128.3 -630016 (2000.0) MSX5C_G291.8667-02.3006 -16 14 12 11 9 6 V(%):-:-:1:2:2:5 111128.5 -630020 (2000.0) IRAS11093-6244 10.030 4.235 2.014L 25.520L 12% 2(LRS) 111128.5 -630020 (2000.0) SSC11093-6244 10.030 4.235 2.014L 25.520L 111127.9 -630006 (2000.0) WRA770 111128.3 -630016 (2000.0) MSX5C_G291.8667-02.3006 -16 14 12 11 9 6 V(%):-:-:1:2:2:5 111124.0 -630000 (2000.0) M9(III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0127 IRAS09270-6135 092701.0 -613549 (1950.0) F12=2.75 F25=1.58 F60=0.40L F100=2.29L VAR=24 LRS=-1 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 092818.1 -614857 (2000.0) IRAS09270-6135 2.804 1.539 0.400L 2.373L 24% 092818.1 -614857 (2000.0) SSC09270-6135 2.804 1.539 0.400L 2.373L ## TbrV0128 USNO0225.07669429 100922.642 -652547.99 (2000.0) 14.2 14.9 IRAS10079-6511 100756.4 -651100 (1950.0) F12=0.69 F25=0.44 F60=0.40L F100=1.74L VAR= 5 LRS=-1 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell or VIb: variable star with relatively hot dust close to the star and relatively cold dust at large distance may be O-rich or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 100922.2 -652546 (2000.0) IRAS10079-6511 0.671 0.428 0.400L 1.737L 5% 100922.2 -652546 (2000.0) SSC10079-6511 0.671 0.428 0.400L 1.737L ## TbrV0129 IRAS11590-6113 115900.8 -611342 (1950.0) F12=5.25 F25=3.63 F60=1.44 F100=33.10L VAR=94 LRS=-1 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 120134.4 -613024 (2000.0) MSX5C_G297.0206+00.7914 -16 -8 4 3 3 4 V(%):-:-:2:2:3:0 120134.6 -613023 (2000.0) IRAS11590-6113 5.063 3.483 1.498 34.220L 94% 120134.6 -613023 (2000.0) SSC11590-6113 5.063 3.483 1.498 34.220L 120131.8 -613005 (2000.0) GCSS779 - 10.5 - - ## TbrV0130 IRAS10214-5328 102124.9 -532827 (1950.0) F12=5.25 F25=2.29 F60=0.40L F100=10.00L VAR= 0 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell 102321.1 -534339 (2000.0) IRAS10214-5328 5.399 2.211 0.400L 9.776L 0% 102321.1 -534339 (2000.0) SSC10214-5328 5.399 2.211 0.400L 9.776L 102318.0 -534259 (2000.0) M10(III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0131 IRAS10541-6325 105410.5 -632556 (1950.0) F12=36.30 F25=25.11 F60=4.36 F100=12.02L VAR=90 LRS=27 blue, 10micron (silicate) emission, strength=7 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 105606.6 -634158 (2000.0) IRAS10541-6325 37.640 25.560 4.287 11.580L 90% 6(LRS) 105606.6 -634158 (2000.0) SSC10541-6325 37.640 25.560 4.287 11.580L 105606.9 -634157 (2000.0) MSX5C_G290.5695-03.6303 -28 23 28 29 20 18 V(%):-:-:3:5:3:3 ## TbrV0132 IRAS17357-7053 173545.0 -705321 (1950.0) F12=0.44 F25=0.17 F60=0.40L F100=1.74L VAR= 0 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 174130.7 -705454 (2000.0) IRAS17357-7053 0.433 0.180 0.400L 1.704L 0% 174130.7 -705454 (2000.0) SSC17357-7053 0.433 0.180 0.400L 1.704L 174131.8 -705449 (2000.0) FSC17357-7053 0.426 0.209 0.188L 1.095L ## TbrV0133 GSC9313.493 193450.28 -723832.4 (2000.0) 13.58 0 GSC9313.493 193450.34 -723833.7 (2000.0) 13.41 0 GSC9313.493 193450.34 -723832.9 (2000.0) 13.45 0 USNO0150.19176223 193450.319 -723833.35 (2000.0) 99.9 12.8 ## TbrV0134 USNO0300.02581204 065911.044 -595458.85 (2000.0) 13.9 16.8 2MASS 065910.955 -595458.62 (2000.0) 8.597 7.764 7.348 065911.2 -595501 (2000.0) FSC06584-5950 0.146 0.083L 0.167L 0.641L ## TbrV0135 USNO0300.06202523 091120.078 -560225.23 (2000.0) 14.1 15.5 IRAS09098-5550 090952.4 -555000 (1950.0) F12=8.31 F25=6.31 F60=2.29 F100=3.02L VAR=95 LRS=29 blue, 10micron (silicate) emission, strength=9 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 091117.9 -560159 (2000.0) M8(III)(Buscombe) - - - 091119.5 -560220 (2000.0) IRAS09098-5550 8.337 6.173 2.206 3.041L 95% 2(LRS) 091119.5 -560220 (2000.0) SSC09098-5550 8.337 6.173 2.206 3.041L 091117.9 -560159 (2000.0) M8(III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0136 GSC8587.3531 091100.63 -551834.5 (2000.0) 14.39 0 USNO0300.06184599 091100.546 -551834.14 (2000.0) 11.5 14.4 IRAS09095-5506 090931.5 -550609 (1950.0) F12=2.51 F25=1.10 F60=0.40L F100=14.45L VAR= 1 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 091100.3 -551828 (2000.0) IRAS09095-5506 2.442 1.047 0.400L 14.140L 1% 091100.3 -551828 (2000.0) SSC09095-5506 2.442 1.047 0.400L 14.140L 091100.0 -551800 (2000.0) M10(III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0137 IRAS11259-6549 112558.2 -654942 (1950.0) F12=5.75 F25=2.29 F60=0.58L F100=5.75L VAR=19 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 112810.4 -660613 (2000.0) IRAS11259-6549 5.686 2.324 0.557L 5.904L 19% 112810.4 -660613 (2000.0) SSC11259-6549 5.686 2.324 0.557L 5.904L 112806.0 -660459 (2000.0) M8(III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0138 GSC8217.1891 111923.91 -475753.3 (2000.0) 14.33 0 N USNO0375.13552573 111923.932 -475753.42 (2000.0) 17.5 12.6 IRAS11170-4741 111703.6 -474125 (1950.0) F12=1.32 F25=0.52 F60=0.58L F100=1.44L VAR= 0 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 111923.8 -475752 (2000.0) FSC11170-4741 1.362 0.514 0.212L 1.738L 111923.9 -475750 (2000.0) IRAS11170-4741 1.368 0.534 0.575L 1.412L 0% 111923.9 -475750 (2000.0) SSC11170-4741 1.368 0.534 0.575L 1.412L 111923.5 -475737 (2000.0) GCSS739 - 10.9 - - ## TbrV0139 GSC8418.8 203709.05 -513859.3 (2000.0) 12.25 0 GSC8418.8 203709.13 -513858.2 (2000.0) 12.11 0 GSC8418.8 203709.21 -513900.8 (2000.0) 13.49 0 USNO0375.39144687 203709.126 -513858.76 (2000.0) 9.4 12.1 IRAS20334-5149 203328.3 -514931 (1950.0) F12=1.90 F25=0.83 F60=0.40L F100=1.00L VAR= 3 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 203707.9 -513900 (2000.0) FSC20334-5149 1.921 0.798 0.229L 0.579L 203707.9 -513902 (2000.0) IRAS20334-5149 1.866 0.848 0.400L 1.000L 3% 203707.9 -513902 (2000.0) SSC20334-5149 1.866 0.848 0.400L 1.000L ## TbrV0140 USNO0150.07769666 105233.522 -691822.32 (2000.0) 10.7 15.2 IRAS10508-6902 105051.7 -690225 (1950.0) F12=7.58 F25=5.25 F60=0.69 F100=1.10L VAR=90 LRS=-1 IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell 105233.8 -691822 (2000.0) IRAS10508-6902 7.881 5.368 0.694 1.134L 90% 105233.8 -691822 (2000.0) SSC10508-6902 7.881 5.368 0.694 1.134L ## TbrV0141 GSC8943.1399 101117.55 -602123.6 (2000.0) 11.93 6 USNO0225.07768010 101117.496 -602124.21 (2000.0) 11.3 14.2 * IRAS10096-6006 100938.0 -600630 (1950.0) F12=6.92 F25=3.31 F60=1.00L F100=14.45L VAR=15 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 101117.6 -602125 (2000.0) MSX5C_G284.3466-03.3985 -21 -11 8 6 4 4 V(%):-:-:1:0:0:1 101117.9 -602119 (2000.0) IRAS10096-6006 7.062 3.209 0.983L 13.910L 15% 101117.9 -602119 (2000.0) SSC10096-6006 7.062 3.209 0.983L 13.910L 101118.0 -601959 (2000.0) M7(III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0142 GSC8201.2069 103725.23 -474813.6 (2000.0) 12.39 0 GSC8201.2069 103725.27 -474812.9 (2000.0) 12.05 0 USNO0375.11797750 103725.264 -474813.07 (2000.0) 10.2 11.9 IRAS10352-4732 103517.6 -473235 (1950.0) F12=1.00 F25=0.25 F60=0.40L F100=1.44L VAR= 9 LRS=-1 possibly I: oxygen-rich non-variable star without circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 103725.0 -474811 (2000.0) CGCS_J1037-4748 (CGCS2806) 13.7 9.0 - R(Sto) 103723.9 -474800 (2000.0) C(Buscombe) - - - 103724.5 -474805 (2000.0) UBV_CCS1717 10.21 2.52 2.49 - - - R N=1 Nm=2 - 103725.1 -474810 (2000.0) IRAS10352-4732 1.028 0.242 0.400L 1.512L 9% 103725.1 -474810 (2000.0) SSC10352-4732 1.028 0.242 0.400L 1.512L 103725.1 -474811 (2000.0) CS2806 13.7 9 - - 103725.2 -474811 (2000.0) 1111 1.72 TYC2-8201.2069.1 (11.30 0.07) (13.32 0.29) ## TbrV0143 GSC8242.3411 121311.38 -513123.3 (2000.0) 13.25 12 N GSC8242.1789 121312.37 -513129.0 (2000.0) 12.76 0 GSC8242.1789 121312.44 -513130.1 (2000.0) 12.83 0 USNO0375.15490939 121312.390 -513129.33 (2000.0) 9.9 12.4 IRAS12105-5114 121033.5 -511440 (1950.0) F12=19.05 F25=9.12 F60=1.74 F100=1.74 VAR=12 LRS=16 blue featureless, spec.index=3.0 II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell 121311.5 -513120 (2000.0) IRAS12105-5114 19.810 9.107 1.786 1.706 12% 3(LRS) 121311.5 -513120 (2000.0) SSC12105-5114 19.810 9.107 1.786 1.706 121312.5 -513130 (2000.0) FSC12105-5114 20.500 9.116 1.831 2.233L 121312.4 -513128 (2000.0) 1135 1.97 TYC2-8242.1789.1 (11.56 0.10) (13.88 0.37) ## TbrV0144 GSC8650.2361 123841.29 -543030.8 (2000.0) 12.32 0 USNO0300.16329841 123841.278 -543031.25 (2000.0) 10.5 11.7 IRAS12358-5414 123552.6 -541403 (1950.0) F12=1.90 F25=0.63 F60=0.40L F100=1.44L VAR= 2 LRS=-1 possibly I: oxygen-rich non-variable star without circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 123841.3 -543031 (2000.0) IRAS12358-5414 1.936 0.608 0.400L 1.502L 2% 123841.3 -543031 (2000.0) SSC12358-5414 1.936 0.608 0.400L 1.502L 123841.4 -543030 (2000.0) 1135 1.66 TYC2-8650.2361.1 (11.53 0.08) (13.47 0.27) ## TbrV0145 GSC9296.674 184857.54 -692831.1 (2000.0) 12.90 0 GSC9296.674 184857.55 -692830.9 (2000.0) 13.17 0 USNO0150.18749558 184857.594 -692831.21 (2000.0) 99.9 12.5 IRAS18434-6931 184329.2 -693153 (1950.0) F12=1.32 F25=0.58 F60=0.40L F100=1.00L VAR=47 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 184857.9 -692832 (2000.0) IRAS18434-6931 1.328 0.571 0.400L 1.000L 47% 184857.9 -692832 (2000.0) SSC18434-6931 1.328 0.571 0.400L 1.000L 184858.5 -692831 (2000.0) FSC18434-6931 1.257 0.540 0.120L 0.635L ## TbrV0146 USNO0150.05056703 075351.604 -692229.63 (2000.0) 14.5 20.5 IRAS07538-6914 075353.8 -691436 (1950.0) F12=0.48 F25=0.21 F60=0.40L F100=1.32L VAR= 0 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 075351.1 -692224 (2000.0) FSC07538-6914 0.457 0.189 0.142L 1.474L 075351.9 -692233 (2000.0) IRAS07538-6914 0.456 0.198 0.400L 1.263L 0% 075351.9 -692233 (2000.0) SSC07538-6914 0.456 0.198 0.400L 1.263L ## TbrV0147 GSC9399.2004 084615.18 -771721.7 (2000.0) 12.81 0 N GSC9399.2004 084615.19 -771722.7 (2000.0) 11.78 0 N USNO0075.01746815 084615.125 -771723.25 (2000.0) 9.3 11.9 USNO0075.01746820 084615.156 -771721.55 (2000.0) 99.9 12.4 IRAS08473-7706 084721.4 -770614 (1950.0) F12=3.02 F25=1.10 F60=0.44L F100=4.78L VAR= 8 LRS=-1 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 084614.1 -771727 (2000.0) FSC08473-7706 2.791 0.990 0.180 2.848L 084615.6 -771720 (2000.0) IRAS08473-7706 2.955 1.068 0.416L 4.839L 8% 084615.6 -771720 (2000.0) SSC08473-7706 2.955 1.068 0.416L 4.839L 084615.1 -771722 (2000.0) NSV18043 M: 11 - V - - - - ## TbrV0148 USNO0300.08061020 094850.904 -545348.06 (2000.0) 11.3 13.5 IRAS09471-5439 094709.3 -543950 (1950.0) F12=5.25 F25=1.90 F60=1.00 F100=19.05L VAR= 0 LRS=-1 VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large distance, may be carbon-rich 094850.7 -545348 (2000.0) MSX5C_G278.6488-00.8751 -15 8 5 4 3 2 V(%):-:-:1:4:2:-094851.4 -545350 (2000.0) IRAS09471-5439 5.199 1.963 1.004 18.240L 0% 094851.4 -545350 (2000.0) SSC09471-5439 5.199 1.963 1.004 18.240L 094847.9 -545259 (2000.0) M9(III)(Buscombe) - - - ## TbrV0149 (possible IDs) GSC8996.1474 124756.15 -653247.3 (2000.0) 11.74 6 IRAS12448-6516 124453.1 -651625 (1950.0) F12=1.90 F25=1.00 F60=0.76L F100=13.18L VAR=32 LRS=-1 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell or VIb: variable star with relatively hot dust close to the star and relatively cold dust at large distance may be O-rich or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell 124756.1 -653246 (2000.0) IRAS12448-6516 1.909 1.022 0.779L 13.680L 32% 124756.1 -653246 (2000.0) SSC12448-6516 1.909 1.022 0.779L 13.680L 124756.1 -653251 (2000.0) MSX5C_G302.5691-02.6782 -16 -8 2 2 1 -2 V(%):-:-:2:1:2:- 124756.1 -653247 (2000.0) NSV19483 EA 13.20 - V - - - - ## TbrV0150 GSC8232.2131 123934.45 -454528.7 (2000.0) 11.26 0 USNO0375.16446094 123934.433 -454528.73 (2000.0) 14.0 12.2 * IRAS12368-4529 123649.4 -452902 (1950.0) F12=14.45 F25=5.25 F60=0.91 F100=1.20L VAR= 5 LRS=15 blue featureless, spec.index=2.5 II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell 123934.4 -454530 (2000.0) IRAS12368-4529 13.820 5.451 0.948 1.172L 5% 4(LRS) 123934.4 -454530 (2000.0) SSC12368-4529 13.820 5.451 0.948 1.172L 123935.7 -454539 (2000.0) FSC12368-4529 14.070 5.480 0.865 1.505L 123934.5 -454528 (2000.0) 1086 1.12 TYC2-8232.2131.1 (10.98 0.06) (12.30 0.14) 123932.5 -454602 (2000.0) CD-45.7923 9.9