Dear colleagues, I'm pleased to announce the recent discovery of 3 new red variables in the globular cluster M13; the variables are L414, L940 and L96(Ludendorf nomenclature). Observations were made by Francisco A. Violat from his astr. observatory in Caceres, and Toni Benasar, from his observatory in Mallorca, telescope apertures ranges from 8" to 12", SC type, both attached with Starlight CCD's. With more than 320 observations, we have estimated an accurate period for these, also further observations are required, so we haven't finished our observation programme. The estimations are: L414, 107.35 days L940, 143.68 days L96, not computed yet. Regards, Miguel Regalado Querol Artemina Astronomical Observatory Asociación de Variabilistas de España(AVE) Electromagnetics and Waves Group Universitat de Valencia