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[vsnet-newvar 1627] MisV1147 very faint again! (Poxon)

MisV1147 very faint again! (Poxon)

   This emission-line object is extremely faint again! -- Further detailed
observations (to follow the full course of the fading, spectroscpy and
polarimetry etc.) are strongly encouraged!

   (Approximate J2000.0 position): 225403.78 +585402.1 MisV1147

From: "michael poxon" <m.poxon@virgin.net>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 22:43:50 +0100
Subject: [vsnet-obs 41623] misv1147 tonight

Dear all,

MISV1147 (15.6 2002 UT Sep 29. Good conditions but prone to mist - also, 
see note below
Michael Poxon
Norwich, UK

(Note to Mike Simonsen:- hi Mike. The reproduction of my copy of your 
chart isn't good enough in the light of my little red torch to determine 
whether the nearby faint comp star is 156 or 158. If 156, the above obs 
is OK - if 158 then MISV (suspected at about 16.1 but I wouldn't like to 
record a positive obs) was even fainter! I'll have to make another copy. 
Do you know where I can download one from, 'coz like a silly Brit I've 
mislaid (get it? mis...) the original.

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