Re: Nova Sgr 2002 No. 2: precise astrometry > , with 102 UCAC1 reference stars (fitting error ~ 0".2). It suggests > that a GSC-2.2 star which Dr. Skiff and I mentioned is not a quiesient > counterpart of the nova; no source can be seen on every DSS images > within 3" from this position. This fiding makes a lower limit of the outburst amplitude of ~12 (or possibly 13) mag. This large outburst amplitude possibly qualifies this object as a fast nova (although exceptions are always present). The spcetrum by Christian Buil (vsnet-discovery-nova 90, looks like a spectrum of a premaximum nova close to its optical maximum. Further spectroscopic observation might reveal a dramatic change in a short time. Regards, Taichi Kato