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[vsnet-newvar 1561] Re: GSC 2679.1458: a variable star?

Dear colleagues,

>    This star is an emission-line star!  Reddened Be star??  Probably worth
> more observing.

> GSC2679.1458 201148.17 +343730.0 (2000.0) 13.01 1
> 201148.0 +343730 (2000.0) HBH43-27 em V=13.0 - 

Maybe it is the same type as MisV1147, another variable star 
identified with a HBHA object.

I reported the magnitude of HBHA 43-27 observed in the MISAO Project
to vsnet-obs. Here are the observations:

  HBH43-27 19990803.67975 12.62C
  HBH43-27 19990803.68019 12.56C
  HBH43-27 19991121.41112 12.50C
  HBH43-27 19991121.41156 12.56C

  Image by KenIchi Kadota.

Best regards,

Seiichi Yoshida

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