Preliminary photometric "open source" data from Tom Droege's Mk IV TASS camera suggests that GSC 0369 1222 may be an EA type eclipsing binary. On four nights of observation there were three where the star remained at magnitude around V 11.8 whilst on the other night it was at V 12.9. V-Ic also "reddened" by around +0.4. A nearby star (7' distant) remained around V 12.2 on the same 4 nights according to the same data, precluding external factors. The putative eclipse occured around JD 2452426.8, but with only an hour's worth of observation little morphological detail is evident in the lightcurve. With no indication as to period and any possible eclipse having an amplitude of at least a magnitude, this is a good candidate for visual monitoring regimes. Another eclipse or three would allow a preliminary period to be guesstimated. The object is currently at a useful hour angle for observation. No evidence of known variability can be found in the standard catalogues nor in the large number of non-standard ones also checked. Cheers John John Greaves