SN2002dw 20020627.3 <200:C KAI SN2002dw 20020704.3 189:C KAI SN2002dw 20020705.3 192:C KAI # UGC 11376, the host galaxy of SN 2002dw is a spiral galaxy near the # Milky Way (b = 19o). The position of SN is R.A. = 18h54m15s.25, # Decl. = +48o55'37".3 (equinox 2000.0), which is 8".1 east and 3".5 # south of the nucleus of UGC 11376. It is embedded on the odd-shaped # disk. The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.6. # The KAIT team also reported another (possibly cataclysmic) variable # in the same field. The position end figures of this object is # 06s.41, 18".5, which is about 1'.4 WSW of UGC 11376. The reported # magnitudes are: mag 19.7 on July 4.3, 19.4 on July 5.3). On this # position, no quisient counterpart is seen on every DSS images, # except a marginally-detected object on DSS 2 red image. About 6" # south of the reported position, a quite dim (rmag about 19.5) object # is seen on DSS2 blue, red, and infrared images. # The discovery image of these objects can be seen at: # .