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[vsnet-newvar 1489] (fwd) Publication: New suspected variable star in Crux

From: "ASA" <asoastrosantafe@ciudad.com.ar>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 14:49:28 -0300
Subject: Publication: New suspected variable star in Crux


Buso, Victor A. (victorbuso@infovia.com.ar); Ballan, Gustavo E. 
(gballan@infovia.com.ar); Mansilla, Luis A. 
(luismansilla@ciudad.com.ar); Bustos, Fabian A.; Severi, Leonardo 
(lseveri@terra.com.br); Pintado, Olga Ines (opintado@tucbbs.com.ar)

Observatorio Astron=F3mico del Colegio Cristo Rey. Rosario, Argentina
Coordinator: V=EDctor =C1ngel Buso
  Entre Rios 2974
  CP. 2000 Rosario

We present data of a new suspected variable star in the constellation 
Crux. This is a result of a photographic scanning program at the 
Observatorio Cristo Rey, which began in 1995. Unfiltered CCD photometric 
data show that IRAS12521-6034 is a variable star. 

Star name: IRAS 12521-6034 

Equatorial coordinates (field):
The star for which a change of brightness has been detected is:
AR (2000.0): 12h 55m 09.5s
Dec (2000.0): -60=BA 50' 59"
Cross references: IRAS 12521-6034. 

 Observatory and Telescope:

In Rosario - Argentina.
Long: W 60 38 06.5
Lat:  S 32 57 12.7
Alt:    50 Meters 

* Refractor, 60 mm. diameter, 240 mm. focal lenght.

* Meade's Pictor 416, filterless, with a Kodak's KAF-0400 CCD chip. 
Pixel: 768 x 512, Size: 6.9mm x 4.60mm,Pixel Size: 7.73", Field view: 
99=B4x 66=B4 (arcminute).
* Santa Barbara's SBIG ST-4, filterless, with a Texas Instruments' 
TI-255 CCD chip. Pixel: 192 x 165, Size: 2.64mm x 2.64mm, Pixel Size: 
11.75" x 13.66", Field
view: 37=B4x 37=B4(arcminute).

 Date(s) of observation(s): 

Differential magnitudes (DifMag) DifMag =3D MVar - MRef", where: 

MRef: CCD Magnitude of the star SAO 252084 (CCD =3D SBIG ST4, 

MVar: Magnitude of the suspected (CCD =3D SBIG ST4, filterless) 

 Date(s) of observation(s): 


Measure with SBIG ST-4
       Date       Time       Julian       Instrumental 

   (UT)       (UT)        Date     magnitude differences 

1995 Mar 22  01:16   2449798.55307      1.22
1995 May 31  00:20   2449868.51418      1.42
1995 Jun 03  02:19   2449871.59682      1.52
1995 Jun 06  02:00   2449874.58362      1.51
1995 Jun 22  00:15   2449890.51024      1.81
1995 Jun 27  01:19   2449895.55469      2.01
1995 Jun 30  01:24   2449898.55816      2.39
1995 Jul 01  00:46   2449899.53188      2.14
1995 Jul 07  01:30   2449905.56274      2.25
1995 Jul 08  00:57   2449906.53951      2.01
1995 Jul 18  01:57   2449916.58164      2.44
1996 Ene 26  03:00   2450108.62522     >5.28
1996 Feb 27  04:08   2450140.67231     >5.28
1996 Abr 18  01:37   2450191.56789     >5.28
1996 May 21  01:37   2450224.56789      2.08
1996 Jun 22  02:04   2450256.58670      2.34
1996 Jul 04  23:22   2450269.47384      2.24
1996 Ago 10  01:53   2450305.57873      2.97
1997 Feb 14  03:45   2450493.65653     >5.28
1997 May 06  00:05   2450574.50355     >5.28
1997 May 29  00:35   2450597.52486     >5.28 

1997 Jun 07  00:43   2450606.52994     >5.28
1998 Mar 25  02:58   2450897.62377     >5.28
1998 May 20  23:05   2450954.46227     >5.28
1999 Jun 11  01:01   2451340.54248     >5.28
1999 Ago 28  00:54   2451418.53814     >5.28
1999 Ago 29  00:56   2451419.53935     >5.28 

Range of variability: 10.44 - > 14.50 


Measure with Pictor 416
   Date       Time       Julian       Instrumental 

   (UT)       (UT)        Date     magnitude differences 


2000 Oct 21  07:31   2451838.81340      7.37
2001 Feb 13  08:19   2451953.84656      8.51
2001 Feb 17  07:43   2451957.82203      8.63
2001 Feb 21  03:26   2451961.64339      8.63
2001 Feb 27  04:26   2451967.68491      7.98
2001 Mar 07  02:56   2451975.62289     >9.28
2001 Mar 14  05:28   2451982.72809     >9.28
2001 Mar 27  04:51   2451995.70225     >9.28 

Range of variability: 10.44 -  > 18.50 mag. 

Comparison star(s): 

SAO 252084 =3D HD 112027 =3D HIP 62982 =3D TYC 8989 3049 1. m=3D9.22V. 

Check star(s): 

SAO 252085 =3D HD 112026 =3D PPM 359736 

HD 312129 =3D PPM 779212 =3D GSC 8989 1603 

HD 312130 =3D GSC 8989 0710 

CP -60 4360 =3D GSC 8989 1143

Transformed to a standard system: NO

if yes: which one:

standard stars (field) used:

Availability of the data (upon request, database, URL etc.) 
If data are sent together with the template file, the editors will make 
it publicly available through the
IBVS Web-site 


Type of variability (according to the GCVS nomenclature if known): I 

Identification chart: YES


A scanning program for searching variable star is running at 
Observatorio Cristo Rey. This program consist in taking CCD images of 
the same field throughout the time and compare them to detect luminosity 
changes in the stars in the field.

When a change of luminosity is detected, we cross references to the 
following catalogues: General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS), New 
Suspected Variable Stars Catalogue and its supplement (NSV and NSVS), 
Hipparcos Catalogue, Guide Star Catalogue, Tycho-1 and Tycho-2 
catalogues, USNO Catalogue, IRAS and others.

As a result of this program we have found a variable star in Crux 
(Southern Cross)at AR (2000.0): 12h 55m 09.5s  Dec (2000.0): -60=BA 50' 

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