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[vsnet-newvar 1479] Type Classification of 255 MISAO Project New Variable Stars

Dear colleagues,

I am Seiichi Yoshida working on the MISAO Project.

Type Classification of 255 MISAO Project New Variable Stars, researched
by John Greaves and Seiichi Yoshida.

This report describes the identification of 255 MISAO Project new
variable stars with 2MASS (The Two Micron All Sky Survey) catalog data
and the type classification based on the 2MASS J-Ks color.

The table attached in this report lists the magnitude range measured
from the unfiltered CCD images, the 2MASS J-band magnitude, 2MASS J-Ks
color, and the derived type classification. 

The type classification is determined using the following criteria.

In the case of a typical red variable star, the 2MASS J-band magnitude
becomes several magnitudes brighter than the peak magnitude in the MISAO
Project observations, and the J-Ks color becomes greater than 1.0
magnitudes, usually greater than 1.2 magnitudes. Some bright 2MASS data
have no valid Ks-band magnitude, and in these instances the J-Ks column
is empty. In that case, the bright J-band magnitude and the large
difference between it and the unfiltered CCD magnitude indicate that the
star is a red variable star.

A star satisfying the condition above is classified as a probable SR
(semi regular) or M (Mira) type, depending on the magnitude range. In
the case of the range being over 2.5 magnitudes, it is classified as M,
otherwise as SR.

In the type column of the table, SR? (M?) or SR: (M:) is recorded
depending on the number of observations at different brightness. In the
case where there are three or more observations when the magnitude
difference from the others is greater than 0.3 magnitudes, SR: or M: is
recorded, otherwise SR? or M? is recorded.

All of the 255 new variable stars, except for MisV0049, are identified
with 2MASS data whose J-Ks color is greater than 1.0, and classified as
red variable stars. MisV0049 has small J-Ks color of 0.804. But the
large difference between the J-band and the unfiltered CCD magnitude,
i.e. greater than 3 magnitudes, implies that this is a red variable

This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive,
which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute
of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. We extend our appreciation to Brian Skiff and Taichi
Kato for comments on the 2MASS J-Ks color and for corrections of

Table: List of New Variable Stars and 2MASS Data

          CCD Mag.     2MASS  2MASS
Code      Max   Min    J Mag. J-Ks   Type
MisV0005  12.2  14.1   8.656  1.522  SR:
MisV0006  11.7  13.2   7.811  1.844  SR?
MisV0007  12.6  13.8   9.484  1.395  SR:
MisV0008  14.1  15.9   9.593  1.749  SR:
MisV0010  13.0  15.8   7.974  1.659  M?
MisV0011  11.7  13.6   6.749  1.805  SR:
MisV0012  11.8  14.1   8.879  2.095  SR:
MisV0013  12.7 [15.6   9.230  1.913  M?
MisV0014  11.7  16.3   8.381  1.798  M:
MisV0015  12.8  14.3   9.871  1.303  SR?
MisV0016  13.4  16.3   9.596  1.838  M?
MisV0017  11.1  14.2   8.331  1.625  M:
MisV0018  11.8  14.7   8.885  1.503  M?
MisV0019  13.9 [16.5   8.916  1.855  M?
MisV0020  13.2  15.6   9.802  1.490  M?
MisV0021  11.9  15.0   8.936  1.749  M?
MisV0022  12.9  17.0   8.990  1.610  M?
MisV0023  15.0  16.4   8.522  1.869  SR?
MisV0024  13.1  16.2   9.036  1.881  M?
MisV0025  13.1  14.8   8.811  2.186  SR?
MisV0026  13.5  15.1   9.576  2.200  SR?
MisV0027  12.7 [16.5   8.642  1.702  M?
MisV0028  13.9 [16.0   9.516  2.522  SR?
MisV0029  13.0 [15.9   9.190  1.558  M?
MisV0030  13.8  16.4   9.889  1.530  M:
MisV0031  14.5  16.1   9.670  1.746  SR?
MisV0032  13.6  16.9   9.150  1.668  M:
MisV0034  15.5 [17.5  10.833  2.310  SR?
MisV0035  14.3  17.0   9.839  1.856  M:
MisV0036  14.7 [16.5   9.887  1.758  SR?
MisV0038  10.8  12.7   8.440  1.429  SR?
MisV0039  11.1  13.8   8.850  1.548  M?
MisV0041  12.5  14.6   7.979  2.336  SR?
MisV0043  12.4  13.7   7.760  1.512  SR:
MisV0044  13.1 [14.4  10.001  1.690  SR:
MisV0045  13.6  15.5   8.584  1.555  SR:
MisV0048  13.7 [15.4   8.496  1.674  SR:
MisV0049  13.9  15.1  10.696  0.804  SR?
MisV0050  12.9  15.0   9.299  1.508  SR:
MisV0055  13.6  16.4   8.487  1.383  M?
MisV0056  12.8  13.5   8.288  1.946  SR?
MisV0057  13.4  14.8   8.382  1.642  SR?
MisV0058  12.8  14.0   9.691  1.515  SR?
MisV0059  12.9  14.0   9.237  1.387  SR?
MisV0061  12.4  15.0   9.694  1.722  M:
MisV0062  13.9 [15.7   9.306  1.831  SR:
MisV0063  13.8  15.2   9.479  1.746  SR?
MisV0064  11.7  13.7   9.774  1.694  SR:
MisV0065  12.2  14.3   8.531  1.530  SR:
MisV0066  11.3  13.9   7.583  1.609  M?
MisV0067  13.5  14.8   9.559  1.552  SR:
MisV0068  14.1  15.9   9.634  2.067  SR?
MisV0069  14.2 [16.1   9.915  2.277  SR?
MisV0070  12.5  15.4   8.651  1.697  M:
MisV0071  14.1  15.3   9.437  2.237  SR:
MisV0072  13.6  15.3   9.210  1.943  SR?
MisV0074  14.8 [16.1   8.555  2.236  SR?
MisV0075  13.3  15.4   9.314  2.052  SR?
MisV0076  13.3  15.8   6.619  1.742  M:
MisV0077  12.2  15.2   8.997  1.627  M?
MisV0078  14.3  15.2   9.584  1.431  SR?
MisV0079  14.1  16.1   9.676  2.124  SR?
MisV0080  11.6  13.0   8.566  1.684  SR:
MisV0082  13.0 [14.4   9.984  1.590  SR:
MisV0083  12.8  14.7   9.298  1.510  SR?
MisV0084  12.9  14.8   9.559  1.324  SR:
MisV0085  11.8 [14.0   8.263  1.890  M:
MisV0086  12.5  13.6   9.338  1.588  SR:
MisV0087  11.4 [14.4   9.324  1.537  M:
MisV0088  11.6  13.3   7.972  1.602  SR:
MisV0089  12.6  13.8   9.651  1.442  SR:
MisV0094  13.6  15.2   9.060  1.780  SR?
MisV0095  12.7 [14.4   8.559  1.641  SR:
MisV0096  13.3  14.6   9.200  1.555  SR?
MisV0097  14.8  16.2   8.845  1.766  SR?
MisV0098  13.1  14.2   8.841  1.698  SR?
MisV0099  13.2 [15.4   8.501  1.828  M?
MisV0100  13.2  16.6   9.122  1.650  M?
MisV0102  13.8 [15.0   8.789  1.971  SR?
MisV0104  11.9  13.5   7.785  1.714  SR?
MisV0105  11.9  13.9   7.217  1.535  SR:
MisV0106  12.6  14.4   7.847  1.751  SR:
MisV0111  10.3  11.7   6.908  1.335  SR:
MisV0113  11.6  14.0   7.261  2.171  SR:
MisV0118  11.3  12.4   7.280  1.547  SR:
MisV0119  10.2  12.0   5.571         SR:
MisV0120  12.0  13.1   6.899  2.121  SR?
MisV0121  12.6  13.9   9.211  1.435  SR:
MisV0123  12.1  13.7   8.009  1.465  SR:
MisV0126  11.8  13.4   7.152  1.690  SR:
MisV0127  12.4  13.6   7.742  1.651  SR:
MisV0128  12.4  13.6   8.835  1.377  SR:
MisV0131  12.0  12.8   8.144  1.624  SR:
MisV0132  10.7  13.0   7.135  2.076  M:
MisV0133  13.0  14.2   8.540  2.904  SR?
MisV0134  13.5 [15.3   9.400  1.999  SR:
MisV0149  11.1  12.2   6.757         SR:
MisV0170  12.5  13.6   7.123  1.600  SR?
MisV0171  11.3  13.1   8.147  1.768  SR?
MisV0172  13.7 [15.5   8.713  2.394  SR:
MisV0173  12.4  13.7   7.580  1.957  SR:
MisV0174  12.2  13.4   6.226         SR?
MisV0175  11.0  14.4   7.557  1.910  M:
MisV0199  12.9  14.5   7.963  1.631  SR:
MisV0200  11.5  12.5   6.525  1.657  SR:
MisV0201  13.9  14.9   7.717  1.868  SR?
MisV0202  12.4  14.0   7.769  1.756  SR:
MisV0206  12.8  14.6   8.008  1.555  SR?
MisV0207  12.4  13.9   7.266  1.801  SR?
MisV0208  12.4  13.4   7.010  2.019  SR:
MisV0212  12.1  12.9   7.773  1.569  SR:
MisV0213  10.9  13.6   7.730  1.436  M:
MisV0215  12.1  15.1   8.785  2.244  M:
MisV0216   9.5  12.4   6.307         M:
MisV0219  11.4  13.4   7.399  1.920  SR?
MisV0220  11.0  12.5   7.136  1.998  SR:
MisV0223  13.4  15.1   8.569  1.995  SR?
MisV0224  11.4  13.0   7.157  2.086  SR?
MisV0226  11.1  12.3   6.846  1.890  SR?
MisV0227  13.4  15.1   7.389  2.100  SR?
MisV0228  12.8  14.8   8.245  2.350  SR:
MisV0229  12.8  14.0   8.864  1.886  SR?
MisV0232  13.5  15.0   7.402  1.860  SR?
MisV0233  13.7  15.2   8.864  2.776  SR?
MisV0245  11.2  12.4   7.442  1.675  SR?
MisV0246  12.2  13.9   8.239  2.030  SR?
MisV0251  11.4  12.4   7.459  1.483  SR?
MisV0255  11.8  13.7   6.403         SR:
MisV0256  12.0  13.3   7.528  1.783  SR:
MisV0257  13.6  14.7   8.858  2.181  SR?
MisV0258  10.5  12.3   6.684  1.764  SR:
MisV0259  14.2  15.2   8.658  2.186  SR?
MisV0260  12.7  13.6   8.664  2.463  SR?
MisV0261  11.8  13.9   8.751  1.375  SR:
MisV0262  11.2  13.2   9.073  1.491  SR?
MisV0263  11.9 [14.3   8.905  1.533  M?
MisV0264  12.7  14.0   8.571  1.748  SR?
MisV0265  12.0  13.4   8.365  1.416  SR:
MisV0268  12.1  13.8   7.755  1.439  SR:
MisV0269  13.0 [15.1   9.089  1.562  SR:
MisV0274  11.9  14.0   7.786  1.568  SR?
MisV0276  11.7 [13.1   8.358  1.355  SR:
MisV0277  11.7  12.8   9.085  1.924  SR?
MisV0278  10.7  13.1   7.852  1.888  M:
MisV0279  11.1  12.0   7.339  1.488  SR:
MisV0280  11.2 [14.2   7.998  1.790  M:
MisV0300  10.5  12.6   7.569  1.704  SR:
MisV0303  10.9  12.4   5.981  1.394  SR?
MisV0305  12.8  13.6   8.395  1.702  SR?
MisV0306  11.2  13.2   8.106  1.543  SR?
MisV0307  12.3  13.2   8.577  1.442  SR?
MisV0308  12.9  13.7   9.592  1.396  SR?
MisV0309  10.2  12.3   8.479  1.362  SR?
MisV0311  12.8  14.2   9.820  1.364  SR?
MisV0312  11.1  13.1   7.872  1.414  SR?
MisV0313  12.5  14.1   8.851  1.656  SR?
MisV0315  11.3  13.0   8.788  1.433  SR:
MisV0316  10.8  11.7   9.073  1.281  SR?
MisV0317  10.9  13.7   8.014  1.419  M:
MisV0318   9.8  11.0   8.225  1.370  SR?
MisV0319  12.1  12.9   9.983  1.357  SR?
MisV0320  11.6  12.9   8.223  1.407  SR:
MisV0321  11.0  12.4   9.251  1.181  SR:
MisV0322  11.4  13.4   8.560  1.488  SR?
MisV0323  11.2  11.9   8.404  1.375  SR:
MisV0324  11.6  13.9   9.356  1.184  SR:
MisV0325  12.4  13.8  10.486  1.275  SR?
MisV0326  11.2  13.8   9.598  1.514  M:
MisV0329  11.6  14.9   8.935  1.256  M?
MisV0332  13.1  14.2  10.339  1.199  SR?
MisV0333  12.5  13.6   8.514  1.469  SR?
MisV0334  12.9  15.5  10.808  1.374  M:
MisV0335  12.2  15.5   9.093  1.465  M:
MisV0336  11.3  13.5   8.899  1.590  SR:
MisV0342  10.3  11.1   6.288  1.499  SR?
MisV0343  13.0  14.2   7.866  1.758  SR:
MisV0344  12.9  14.5   8.515  2.667  SR:
MisV0345  13.0  15.3   8.607  1.770  SR:
MisV0353  12.6 [14.8   9.569  1.444  M:
MisV0354  12.6 [14.8   9.530  1.796  SR:
MisV0355  12.8 [14.7   7.847  2.135  SR:
MisV0357  12.9  13.7  10.748  1.954  SR?
MisV0358  13.2  14.9   8.038  1.665  SR?
MisV0359  12.9  13.8   8.413  1.321  SR?
MisV0360  12.0  12.9   8.496  1.801  SR:
MisV0362  13.1  14.8   7.705  1.867  SR?
MisV0365  13.2  15.2   9.865  1.490  SR?
MisV0371  13.8  15.2  10.208  1.194  SR:
MisV0374  12.9  14.1   9.524  1.369  SR?
MisV0382  12.1 [14.5   8.507  1.819  M?
MisV0383  12.9  14.4   8.549  1.628  SR:
MisV0384  13.0 [14.5   8.842  1.691  SR?
MisV0385  12.3  14.2   8.194  1.807  SR:
MisV0386  13.2 [14.6   9.087  1.851  SR:
MisV0387  12.5 [14.4   7.621  1.761  SR?
MisV0390  13.1  15.3   9.355  1.630  SR?
MisV0391  13.2  14.5   8.777  2.011  SR:
MisV0392  12.6 [15.0  10.123  1.653  M:
MisV0395  13.2 [14.2   7.301  2.568  SR?
MisV0397  13.1 [14.4   7.552  2.650  SR?
MisV0405  10.5  12.8   6.590  1.805  M:
MisV0408  12.5 [14.1   6.757  1.945  SR?
MisV0409  13.4 [14.1   7.921  1.938  SR?
MisV0410  13.2  15.5   7.609  2.773  SR?
MisV0411  12.6  14.6   9.232  1.950  SR?
MisV0412  13.1 [14.6   7.141  1.894  SR?
MisV0413  12.5  14.1   7.005  2.108  SR?
MisV0414  14.7 [16.5   8.663  2.198  M:
MisV0415  13.2  16.3   7.573  2.021  M?
MisV0416  11.9  13.5   7.195  1.768  SR?
MisV0417  13.2 [14.1   8.298  2.009  SR?
MisV0418  13.2 [14.3   8.013  1.831  SR:
MisV0419  12.8 [14.5   7.791  2.144  SR?
MisV0420  13.1 [14.5   6.721         SR?
MisV0421  13.2  14.3   7.814  1.815  SR?
MisV0422  13.0 [14.4   6.752  1.832  SR:
MisV0432  10.5  11.8   5.929         SR?
MisV0434  12.8  14.3   7.837  1.432  SR?
MisV0435  12.6  14.2   7.861  1.821  SR?
MisV0436  13.3  14.3   7.259  1.600  SR?
MisV0437  11.7  14.8   8.575  1.661  M:
MisV0438  11.2  12.1   7.666  1.369  SR?
MisV0442  12.8  13.8   8.208  1.710  SR?
MisV0443  13.2  14.2   8.411  1.828  SR?
MisV0445  11.3  12.6   8.085  1.353  SR:
MisV0446  11.8  13.3   8.269  1.371  SR?
MisV0450  13.2  14.7   8.600  1.586  SR?
MisV0451  12.5  14.7   8.333  1.638  SR?
MisV0452  12.0  13.4   8.381  1.480  SR?
MisV0453  13.0  15.1   9.095  1.596  SR?
MisV0454  13.3  14.5  10.073  1.219  SR?
MisV0455  13.1  14.3   9.128  1.455  SR?
MisV0460  13.0 [15.2   9.451  1.887  SR?
MisV0463  12.9  14.1  10.182  1.400  SR?
MisV0464  12.7  14.1   9.662  1.250  SR?
MisV0467  12.5  13.9   8.690  1.310  SR?
MisV0472  11.9  13.3   7.981  1.520  SR:
MisV0473  12.9 [14.0   9.539  1.463  SR:
MisV0474  13.1 [14.3   9.015  1.585  SR:
MisV0475   9.8  11.9   6.723  1.920  SR?
MisV0476  12.5  14.2   7.601         SR:
MisV0477  12.6 [14.4   7.138  2.059  SR?
MisV0479  10.3  13.7   6.552         M:
MisV0480  12.7  14.6   6.151         SR:
MisV0481   9.9  12.3   5.681         M:
MisV0482  11.8  12.9   6.225         SR:
MisV0483  10.1  12.5   5.636         M:
MisV0484  12.9  14.1   7.262  1.798  SR:
MisV0485  11.7  14.0   6.820  1.945  SR:
MisV0486  12.4 [16.0   7.638  3.084  M:
MisV0487  11.3  12.2   5.555         SR?
MisV0488  12.0  13.9   6.511         SR:
MisV0491  12.6  14.6   7.547         SR:
MisV0495  11.3  14.0   6.285         M:
MisV0499  13.3  14.0   7.321  2.374  SR:

Best regards,

Seiichi Yoshida

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