(fwd) OGLE-III EWS system Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 14:57:09 +0200 From: OGLE account <ogle@astrouw.edu.pl> Dear Colleagues, After almost 1.5 year break, the OGLE microlensing survey resumes the Early Warning System service. During that period we have upgraded our project to OGLE-III and with the new OGLE Mosaic 8k x 8k pixel CCD Camera increased the data flow by almost an order of magnitude. We also decided to use a completely new data pipeline. It is now based on the Difference Image Analysis photometry software (image subtraction) instead of the classical profile photometry approach. As a consequence the old EWS system was replaced by a completely new version. It seems that the new EWS system works very efficiently. We have already detected almost hundred of microlensing event candidates in the direction of the Galactic bulge. Please note that this is just a beginning of the 2002 bulge season. Not all Galactic bulge fields observed by OGLE are included in EWS. We will gradually increase the coverage. We start our OGLE-III EWS service with the same mailing list, we had in November 2000. First 94 detected events are available over the Internet from the OGLE archive (see below). The new events will be announced also via e-mail, as it was done before. If you do not wish to receive our e-mails, please send us a message, or unsubscribe yourself from the WWW interface. The main OGLE WWW pages are available at the addresses: http://vsnet.astrouw.edu.pl/~ogle/ http://bulge.princeton.edu/~ogle/ The OGLE-III EWS page address is: http://vsnet.astrouw.edu.pl/~ogle/ogle3/ews/ews.html so please update your old links. The old EWS page address: http://vsnet.astrouw.edu.pl/~ogle/ogle2/ews/ews.html contains the link to OGLE-III EWS so you will not be lost. The finding charts, light curves and photometric data are also available from: http://ftp.astrouw.edu.pl/ogle/ogle3/ews/2002/ The new EWS WWW interface is practically identical with the old one. Please note only one important difference - the orientation of finding charts (now: E is to the top and N to the right) resulting from different orientation of the new OGLE-III mosaic camera. When using the data provided by EWS or referring to the OGLE EWS system, please cite the Udalski et al., 1994, Acta Astron., 44, 227 paper (or newer papers when they are published) and provide the WWW address of the EWS system or the OGLE WWW home page. We hope that we will be able to provide many interesting microlensing events during this and next seasons. Best regards Andrzej Udalski and Michal Szymanski for the OGLE-III team.