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[vsnet-newvar 1439] (fwd) Bright object (10th mag.) in Cygnus

(fwd) Bright object (10th mag.) in Cygnus

   We have received the following report.  The exact nature of the object
seems to be still uncertain.  Please check the object.

From: "Clay Sherrod" <sherrodc@ipa.net>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 20:12:56 -0500
Subject: Re: Bright object (10th mag.) in Cygnus

Just a quick note....this star DOES show on the Palomar plates as a double
star; it is just not listed it seems within the GSC reference star catalog.
Thanks to B. Sherrod for finding the reference in the Palomar catalog.....


----- Original Message -----
From: "Clay Sherrod" <sherrodc@ipa.net>
To: "dennis dicicco" <dicicco@skypub.com>; "Aaron Price" <aaronp@aavso.org>;
<brian@cfaps5.harvard.edu>; "vs net" <vsnet-adm@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Cc: "brian sherrod" <w5ami@tcworks.net>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 6:14 PM
Subject: Bright object (10th mag.) in Cygnus

> Hello to all -
> Attached is a very interesting image due north of the position of Comet
> Snyder-Murakami this morning, April 23 UT.  This object, noted by the
> line is not described to magnitude 16.1 in the GSC documents.
> I noticed it attempting to identify the star field photoelectrically while
> imaging comet Snyder-M.
> Details:
> Positions:  RA 19 25.308 / DEC + 49 23.350
> In:  Cygnus
> Magnitude (V) - 10.42
> Image detail:
> The faint star immediately NW of this star is <15.5 magnitude and does not
> appear as a reference on the GSC.  Star marked "1209" (mag.) is GSC
> 3551-1770.
> South is UP, west is LEFT in this image taken with the 0.3m SCT at f/3, 25
> second CCD exposure, unprocessed (obviously!).
> Three images were obtained within a 30-minute interval and this 10th
> magnitude "star" appears on all in exactly the same position....possible
> nova?
> Clay
> ----------------------------------------
> Dr. P. Clay Sherrod
> sherrodc@ipa.net
> Arkansas Sky Observatory
> www.arksky.org

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