(fwd) trans337 (GRB optical counterpart candidate) was a flare star (from GCN 1217) It is trans337 at http://dls.bell-labs.com/transients.html Position (J2000): 10 48 56.14 -05 00 41.1. TITLE: GCN GRB OBSERVATION REPORT NUMBER: 1218 SUBJECT: GRB optical counterpart candidate in GCN 1217 is M dwarf DATE: 02/01/20 21:33:19 GMT FROM: J.A.Tyson at Lucent <tyson@silicon.div111.bell-labs.com> Subject: GRB optical counterpart candidate in GCN 1217 is M dwarf A. Clocchiatti (Catolica U., Chile), P.C. Boeshaar (Drew U.), J.A. Tyson, A.C. Becker, D. Wittman (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), and the Deep Lens Survey Team: The possible GRB optical counterpart reported in GCN 1217 has the post burst spectrum of a late M dwarf star. A follow-up spectrum and multi color photometry taken on the Magellan telescope two days after the flare discovery show a spectrum and colors corresponding to an dM4 dwarf star plus a fainter galaxy. The composite V mag is ~19.4. The star is nearly centered on the galaxy. Coords J2000 galaxy: 10 48 56.14 -05 00 41.4, star: 10 48 56.12 -05 00 41.1. The presence in the spectrum of TiO, CaOH (5530-60 A), and CaOH at 6385A plus B-V~1.7, V-R~1.3 are consistent with a dwarf M star of type dM4-4.5 star with H_a + H_b seen in emission. This type of star lies near the peak of the disk stellar luminosity function. With an estimated Mv~12, this places the candidate star at a distance of approximately 300 pc and 200 pc above the galactic plane, well within the scale height for disk population M dwarfs. The ten minute optical burst reported in GCN 1217 was trans337 reported at http://dls.bell-labs.com/transients.html