I am Seiichi Yoshida working on the MISAO Project. > As posted to vsnet-newvar, we discovered the variability of HBHA > 65-53, in the catalog of Hamburg-Bergedorf H-alpha Stars in Northern > Milky Way, in the course of MISAO Project, and assigned MisV1147 to > the star. I found two more variable HBHA objects while browsing the MISAO Project database. These two variable HBHA stars are red variables, though MisV1147 = HBHA 65-53 is not because: - Not bright in unfiltered CCD images. - Not recorded in any infrared catalogs. - The USNO-A2.0 color does not reddish. So the characteristics of these two stars seem very different from that of MisV1147, although they are all HBHA stars. 1) TmzV876 = HBHA 10-1 TmzV876 02h14m48s.47 +62o26'22".2 Mag(max):12.5 Mag(min):13.1 MagSystem:p Type:SR: HBHA 10-1 02h14m48s.5 +62o26'22" Mag(V):12.9 Spectrum:A2V GSC 4037-02277 02h14m48s.47 +62o26'22".2 Error:0.2" Mag:13.05 MagError:0.40 Band:1 Class:0 Plate:01MW Flag:F Epoch:05 NOV 1983 USNO-A2.0 1500.02255490 02h14m48s.465 +62o26'22".48 Mag(R):12.8 Mag(B):13.6 IRAS 02110+6212 02h14m47s.9 +62o26'18" Ellipse:18x6" P.A.:51 Flux(12):2.946 Flux(25):2.139 Flux(60):<3.780 Flux(100):<44.67 Var:7% MSX5C G132.4082+01.1117 02h14m48s.05 +62o26'22".9 InScanError:1.9" CrossScanError:1.1" Flux(A):1.8398 Flux(C):2.6548 Flux(D):2.3168(var) 2) ISV 0118+66 = HBHA 5-34 ISV 0118+66 01h22m04s.09 +66o50'11".8 HBHA 5-34 01h22m04s.0 +66o50'18" GCSS 22 01h22m04s.4 +66o50'09" Mag(V):12.5: Mag(I):7.8 CSS 29 01h22m04s.4 +66o50'09" Mag(V):12.5 Mag(I):7.8 GSC 4042-00040 01h22m04s.10 +66o50'11".8 Error:0.2" Mag:11.82 MagError:0.43 Band:1 Class:0 Plate:00MB Flag:F Epoch:06 NOV 1983 USNO-A2.0 1500.01378836 01h22m04s.025 +66o50'12".61 Mag(R):11.5 Mag(B):15.9 IRAS 01186+6634 01h22m04s.4 +66o50'12" Ellipse:22x3" P.A.:45 Flux(12):5.499 Flux(25):1.899 Flux(60):0.4807 Flux(100):<2.884 Var:6% MSX5C G125.9446+04.1448 01h22m04s.32 +66o50'13".6 InScanError:2.1" CrossScanError:2.0" Flux(A):8.0524(var) Flux(B2):11.768 Flux(C):3.4974 Flux(D):2.2078 Best regards, -- Seiichi Yoshida comet@aerith.net http://vsnet.aerith.net/