Following suspected variable was found durning my scan of Amateur FITS Archive: AFASV_M31_234 AFASV_M31_234 amplitude=0.46 mag R. A. (2000) Decl. image 16.08 0 41 29.691 + 40 49 24.58 ugm 15.62 0 41 29.890 + 40 49 25.60 so1 images: so1: Mauro Facchini, Obsservatorio di Cavezzo, 0.20- m reflector f2.8, CCD Starlight HX516 date: 26/06/00 time: 00:15:26 UT ugm: Mauro Facchini, Obsservatorio di Cavezzo, 0.13- m reflector f4, CCD Starlight HX516 date: 06/09/00 time: 00:40:00 UT IDS FROM VIZIER: USNO A2.0: dif: 0.0596 RA: 00 41 29.736 Decl: +40 49 28.15 USNOid: 1275-00417093 Bmag: 17.1 Rmag: 15.4 epoch: 1953.773 BVRI CCD photometry in the field of M 31 (Magnier et al. 1992) dif: 0.0548 RA: 00 41 29.75 Decl: +40 49 27.8 seq: 117421 Bmag: 15.861+/-0.037 Vmag: 15.533+/-0.043 2MASS: dif: 0.0560 RA: 00 41 29.77 Decl: +40 49 27.9 Jmag: 14.519+/-0.043 Hmag: 14.150+/-0.052 Kmag: 14.074+/-0.065 Best regards, Maciej Reszelski