ROSAT CVs in Ann. Shanghai Obs., Acad. Sin., 19, 235 Among other CVs given in Jingyao, H. et al., 1998, Ann. Shanghai Obs., Acad. Sin., 19, 235, two of them are already designated CVs (AI Tri and GZ Cnc = TmzV34 = RX J0909.8+1849). The following stars are good targets for future monitoring: USNO star 1RXS_J012750.5+380830 012750.60 +380812.0 R=16.8 (UG:) 1RXS_J062518.2+733433 062516.23 +733438.9 R=14.5 (UG:) 1RXP_J113123+4322.5 113122.40 +432238.0 R=14.9 (UG:) 1RXS_J230949.6+213523 230949.28 +213519.0 R=15.6 (*) (Please use full names in reporting to e.g. vsnet-obs) 1RXS_J012750.5+380830 and 1RXS_J062518.2+733433 very much look like dwarf novae. The spectrum of 1RXP_J113123+4322.5 was rather noisy, but the star may be also a dwarf nova. 1RXS_J230949.6+213523 was given in an independent RASS ID study a tentative classification of a symbiotic variable. Fe II lines and TiO absorptions are visible. Please monitor these object closely. When any of them bursts, it will be a timely target for another VSNET campaign! Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team