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[vsnet-newvar 1117] New variable star HassfortherV47

New variable star discovered on Stardial-CCD-images (HassfortherV47):

2000 060616.79 -070551.0 HassfortherV47 7.4-<8.4I LPV 2451915+340xE

(2000) 06h06m16.7873s -7 05.8498 (from USNO) 
= IRAS 06038-0705 

Checking 234 Stardial-images from 1996 to 2001 showed
IRAS 06038-0705 to be a Mira star.
The following elements describe the light-curve well:
Max = 2451915 + 340d x E

The star is to near to HD41643 (ca 100") to be measured separately,
so I had to measure the combined light of the variable star and of
HD41643. Remember: the focal-length of the stardial-system is 
only 50mm (!). 

The combined I-magnitude of HD41643 and HassfortherV47 in the system
of stardial is about 7.46 when the variable star is in his minimum, 
and about 0.8mag brighter, when the variable star reaches his Maximum.
Therefore I conclude, that HassfortherV47 reaches I=7.4 in his Maximum.
This is rather bright and although I suspect the star to be very red,
the estimated V-magnitude could well be in the reach of visual observers
(maybe as bright as 11mag). 
Differential Photometry was done with MIRA AP 6.03

Lightcurve, images, charts:

Stardial: http://vsnet.astro.uiuc.edu/stardial/

Bela Hassforther, 21.10.2001

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