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[vsnet-newvar 994] IDs of Brh V83

IDs of Brh V83

GSC397.1417 165522.37 +072159.9 (2000.0) 14.57 1
USNO0900.09156329 165522.391 +072159.64 (2000.0) 12.6 16.6
IRAS16529+0726 165256.7 +072643 (1950.0)
    F12=1.00  F25=0.48  F60=0.40L F100=1.00L
    VAR=21 LRS=-1
 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
 or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large
      distance, may be carbon-rich
165522.0 +072159 (2000.0) IRAS16529+0726 1.017 0.455 0.400L 1.013L 21%
165522.0 +072159 (2000.0) SSC16529+0726 1.017 0.455 0.400L 1.013L
165522.4 +072158 (2000.0) FSC16529+0726 0.981 0.429 0.165L 0.966L

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