(SN) 2001bn According to IAUC 7624, a supernova candidate SN 2001 bn was discovered by the QUEST collaboration. 14h 30m 39s.53, -02o 06' 00".6 R=19.4 on March 25. IAUC 7640 tells that sepctrcopy of the object revealed strong narrow Balmer absorption lines at z=0, and concluded that the object is a Galactic blue variable. It it not clear what kind of outburst-like behavior the object showed, but the available findings suggest that the object may be some sort of cataclysmic or related object (or some sort of other faint blue variable). If it is a cataclysmic variable, the absorption lines suggest that it may be a NL-type object (but the narrow lines may be difficult to meet unless it is seen pole-on). More detailed observations are encouraged to confirm its variability. The object is also identified with a 2QZ source, a Galactic blue star (not classified as an emission line object at the resolution of the 2QZ survey). 143039.4 -020601 (2000.0) 2QZ_J143039.4-020601 star B=19.82 z=0.000 Regards, Taichi Kato