CE-315 According to astro-ph/0103355, M. T. Ruiz et al. discovered a ultra-short period CV (helium CV like GP Com) in their proper motion survey program. The object shows strong emission lines of He I and He II. The binary period is 65.1+/-0.7 min, which seems to make the system something intermediate between helium CVs and V485 Cen-like system. Since the object is expected to show outbursts as in other similar systems, we encourge observers to monitor this object closely, and report if any brightening is caught. If the object erupts, we are willing to make an extensive VSNET campaign! The object is normally at mag 17-18. CE-315 13h12m46s.5 -23o21'31" (J2000.0) Other identifications include Luyten's high proper motion star, and ROSAT detection. 131247.5 -232129 (2000.0) LWD3672 17.5pg WD 131246.7 -232118 (2000.0) 1RXS-F_J131246.8-232118 0.042 -0.24 -1.00 131247.4 -232129 (2000.0) NLTT854-35 18.1R a mu=0.264 Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team