IRAS08005-2356 = TmzV429 I noticed that the Takamizawa variable TmzV429 is identical with the proto-planetary nebula (PPN) IRAS 08005-2356 (ref. Slijkhuis et al. 1991, A&A 248, 547). This is probably the first-ever demonstration of the detection of PPN variability by Takamizawa's variabile star survey. The spectrum is F-supergiant. Together with Takamizawa's observations, the object seesm to be classfied as an (high luminosity) SRD-type variable. Slijkhuis et al. 1991 reported that Te Lintel Hekkert et al. (1991) reported a possible brightening by a several tenths of magnitude since 1986. This possible variation seems to be more likely attibuted to shorter time-scale variations discovered by Takamizawa. Regards, Taichi Kato