In message <>, Taichi Kato <> writes > The existence of numerous variables still unnamed even after ten years >of the discovery seems to me to tell that this process is not working >ideally. As reported in [vsnet-newvar 686], some of such variables have >been independently discovered by other observers (the identification >was incidentally found by me). The combination of such observations >would provide additional information about the variablility nature of >the object, but in the absence of publicly available full list (the quoted >positions on the TA website are not often very accurate, which may hinder >secure identifications without associated charts), one would have no idea >how many other identifications have escaped detection (quite a loss...). The list is prepared by Mike Collins and the page is only 'hosted' on the 'TA' WWW site. As far as I know no-one checks the updates and I can only suggest you direct any comments or queries direct to Mike. I could perhaps add that Mike does not search for variables. His main project is the photographic patrol for novae. Variables are found by accident as a by-product of his work. He then probably has very little time to investigate them as nova patrol work is very demanding. This probably explains why some objects remain as 'suspects' only after many years. As my work as TA editor is quite demanding and variables form only a very small part of items published, can I leave you to exchanges notes with Mike if you need to comment further? I will copy your latest notes to him. > > I am not personally specially interested in the details of the TA >discoveries, but if there is a publicly available (i.e. on your web) handy >and comprehensive list of TA variables, enabling modern-day identifications, >I would be fully satisfied with that. Perhaps this requirement would >apply to other variable star observers and researchers. We will give consideration to your suggestion but at present there are other more major issues which must take priority. Regards, Guy ---------------------------------------------------------------- Guy M Hurst, 16 Westminster Close, Basingstoke, Hants, RG22 4PP, England. Tel/FAX:(01256) 471074. International +441256471074 INTERNET: OR WWW ----------------------------------------------------------------