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[vsnet-newvar 629] New variable star MisV1037

Dear colleagues,

New variable star discovery by the MISAO Project (MisV1037).

  R.A.  20h40m13s.93
  Decl. +37o23'53".7  (2000.0)
  Mag.  13.0C-14.2C
  Type  SR:
= 2MASS 204013.964 +372353.18 (2000.0)  7.886  6.509  5.860


MisV1037 19990709.77111 140C Mis image="KenIchi Kadota"
MisV1037 19990709.77156 142C Mis image="KenIchi Kadota"
MisV1037 19991121.47394 137C Mis image="KenIchi Kadota"
MisV1037 19991121.47437 137C Mis image="KenIchi Kadota"
MisV1037 20000804.53897 130C Mis image="Nobuo Ohkura"
MisV1037 20000804.54081 130C Mis image="Nobuo Ohkura"
MisV1037 20000804.54266 130C Mis image="Nobuo Ohkura"

Seiichi Yoshida, MISAO Project; Nobuo Ohkura, Okayama, Japan; and
KenIchi Kadota, Ageo, Saitama, Japan, discovered a new variable star

It was picked up by Yoshida from the candidates of new variable stars
detected by the PIXY system from images taken by Ohkura comparing with
images taken by Kadota. Kadota and Yoshida judged it as a real
variable star.

The magnitude are measured automatically by the PIXY system. Image
observers' names are noted after "Mis".

The identification with the 2MASS data is by Taichi Kato and John

Please see the URL below for the MISAO Project and the PIXY system.


Seiichi Yoshida

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