New variable star discovered on Stardial-CCD-images (HassfortherV41): 2000 185542.08 -012305.8 HassfortherV41 10.2-11.0v EB P=2.7814d(:) HassfortherV41 (2000) 18h55m42.08 -01 23.097 = GSC 5115-0246 (10.06 SERC-V) = Tycho 5115 00246 1 (BT = 11.040, Error 0.047, VT = 10.372, Error 0.039, from Tycho-II) Checking 215 images from 1996 to 2000 showed GSC 5115-0246 to be an eclipsing binary (EB-subtype). No sure period could so far be established due to strong aliases. Differential Photometry was done with MIRA AP 6.03 with respect to GSC 5115-3813 and GSC 5115-0404. One possible period is 2.7814d. Amplitude 0.8mag (in the System of Stardial: red-filtered KAF0400) A check of the available TASS-measurements proofed the star to be variable, with no new insights. Lightcurve: Stardial: TASS: Bela Hassforther, 18.06.2000