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[vsnet-lpv 72] Analysis of visual LPV data

After several years of trying, a commitment to ensure that John Howarth's
"ampscan" procedure for the analysis of LPVs is published in a full and
"bare bones" way, I'm glad to announce the fruition of this enterprise.

The details of this analytical approach are contained in the current
edition of the MNRAS, thus:-

>Amplitude and phase changes in the light curves of long-period variables
>Howarth, J. J.; Greaves, J.
>Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 325, No. 4, p.
1383 (2001)

Unfortunately there are no offprints available... ...sorry.

An example, with an unexpected conclusion, is given in the shape of an
analysis of nearly a century worth's of T Cas visual data.

If you can follow the mathematics (and I must confess, I don't follow it
much, but such doesn't negate the ability to utilize the procedure), this
tool is in my opinion just what much of the archival databases of visual
LPV data have been waiting for.  It is time for some of the hidden nuances
in much of this data to be forced out of its hidden recesses.


John Greaves

[PS a couple of other examples of ampscan usage can be found in the latest
JAAVSO, Vol. 29 number 2]

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