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[vsnet-id 207] IDs of new LD variables

IDs of new LD variables

  (see IBVS 4898)

   The ROTSE variale J191520.86+395900.7 identified with LD 348 in the
IBVS issue seems to more coincides with the star north to LD 348.  Possibly
affected by merging?  LD 346 is further identified with Stephenson's
emission line star 155.

## LD342
GSC3536.110 180228.07 +504627.4 (2000.0) 14.02 1
GSC3536.110 180228.08 +504628.4 (2000.0) 13.46 1
USNO1350.09651281 180228.268 +504629.25 (2000.0) 14.2 14.1

## LD343
USNO1275.10021057 181724.602 +423616.60 (2000.0) 13.2 14.9
IRAS18158+4235 181551.0 +423502 (1950.0)
    F12=0.30  F25=0.25L F60=0.40L F100=1.00L
    VAR=-1 LRS=-1
181724.8 +423614 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J181724.82+423614.8 13.53 (1.674) m 
181723.4 +423614 (2000.0) IRAS18158+4235 0.295 0.250L 0.400L 1.015L -1%
181723.4 +423614 (2000.0) SSC18158+4235 0.295 0.250L 0.400L 1.015L
181725.3 +423616 (2000.0) FSC18158+4235 0.277 0.106 0.121L 0.985L

## LD344
GSC3537.1908 182148.43 +512420.2 (2000.0) 12.02 1
USNO1350.09818341 182148.434 +512419.91 (2000.0) 11.1 14.0
182148.3 +512419 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J182148.31+512419.2 10.86 (0.532) lpv 
182148.1 +512419 (2000.0) LMS431 M7 >13.5
182148.8 +512422 (2000.0) FSC18206+5122 0.190 0.067 0.107L 0.419L

## LD345
GSC3530.2757 183113.85 +465834.9 (2000.0) 11.35 1
USNO1350.09915886 183113.857 +465834.93 (2000.0) 11.4 99.9
183113.8 +465834 (2000.0) GSC3530.2757 11 <15p Dahlmark 

## LD346
GSC3122.2898 184943.38 +405748.9 (2000.0) 13.06 1
GSC3122.2898 184943.42 +405749.2 (2000.0) 13.27 1
USNO1275.10532554 184943.402 +405748.82 (2000.0) 11.8 15.0
IRAS18480+4054 184805.8 +405416 (1950.0)
    F12=2.75  F25=1.10  F60=0.40L F100=1.10L
    VAR= 0 LRS=-1
 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
184941.9 +405746 (2000.0) FSC18480+4054 2.777 1.101 0.187 1.331L
184942.0 +405759 (2000.0) M7E(Buscombe) V=13.5 B-V=1.64 U-B=1.67
184942.8 +405748 (2000.0) IRAS18480+4054 2.805 1.126 0.410L 1.064L 0%
184942.8 +405748 (2000.0) SSC18480+4054 2.805 1.126 0.410L 1.064L
184942.9 +405757 (2000.0) LMS439 M7,e: 13.5
184942.8 +405901 (2000.0) Ste155 13.5v M7

## LD347
GSC3120.1794 190533.81 +392004.1 (2000.0) 12.40 1
USNO1275.10889396 190533.830 +392004.19 (2000.0) 12.2 12.4

## LD348
GSC3125.1819 191520.60 +395849.6 (2000.0) 13.12 1
USNO1275.11154740 191520.606 +395849.92 (2000.0) 14.5 17.8
191519.5 +395843 (2000.0) FSC19136+3953 0.211 0.099 0.130L 1.599L

## LD349
GSC3133.385 191854.40 +434925.8 (2000.0) 12.81 1
GSC3133.385 191854.51 +434926.1 (2000.0) 13.10 1
USNO1275.11271386 191854.420 +434925.91 (2000.0) 13.1 15.0
191853.6 +434930 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J191853.61+434930.0 12.69 (0.627) c 4.123 
191852.5 +434948 (2000.0) 1WGAJ1918.8+4349 0.0307 0.54 0.38 2.55 0.33 obs=1991.088
191854.6 +434926 (2000.0) 1RXS_J191854.7+434927 0.376 0.64 0.28
191852.5 +434948 (2000.0) 1WGAJ1918.8+4349 0.0307 0.54 0.38 2.55 0.33 obs=1991.088
191853.7 +435015 (2000.0) 1WGAJ1918.8+4350 0.0158 1.06 1.53 0.82 0.41 obs=1992.307

## LD350
GSC3125.632 191954.99 +405240.0 (2000.0) 13.24 1
USNO1275.11308030 191955.024 +405240.18 (2000.0) 12.6 14.7

## LD351
GSC3543.1107 192838.94 +450551.5 (2000.0) 13.62 1
GSC3543.1107 192839.00 +450552.0 (2000.0) 14.25 1
IRAS19271+4459 192707.4 +445936 (1950.0)
    F12=0.91  F25=0.44  F60=0.40L F100=5.25L
    VAR=99 LRS=-1
 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
 or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large
      distance, may be carbon-rich
192838.5 +450547 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J192838.56+450547.1 12.84 (1.427) m 
192838.4 +450550 (2000.0) FSC19271+4459 0.811 0.391 0.206L 1.186L
192839.0 +450550 (2000.0) IRAS19271+4459 0.919 0.424 0.400L 5.070L 99%
192839.0 +450550 (2000.0) SSC19271+4459 0.919 0.424 0.400L 5.070L

## LD352
IRAS19291+4757 192908.0 +475702 (1950.0)
    F12=2.09  F25=0.91  F60=0.40L F100=1.00L
    VAR=79 LRS=-1
 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
 or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large
      distance, may be carbon-rich
193032.7 +480327 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J193032.71+480327.0 11.75 (1.949) m 
193032.6 +480324 (2000.0) FSC19291+4757 1.998 0.878 0.280L 1.302L
193033.1 +480324 (2000.0) IRAS19291+4757 2.023 0.915 0.400L 1.000L 79%
193033.1 +480324 (2000.0) SSC19291+4757 2.023 0.915 0.400L 1.000L

## LD353
USNO1275.11756287 193143.562 +412538.51 (2000.0) 11.7 15.3
193143.4 +412537 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J193143.45+412537.9 12.29 (0.738) lpv 

## LD354
IRAS19314+3851 193126.5 +385157 (1950.0)
    F12=1.44  F25=0.58  F60=0.40L F100=1.32L
    VAR=11 LRS=-1
 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
 or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large
      distance, may be carbon-rich
193310.2 +385830 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J193310.27+385830.6 11.55 (0.822) m 
193310.5 +385829 (2000.0) IRAS19314+3851 1.392 0.569 0.400L 1.332L 11%
193310.5 +385829 (2000.0) SSC19314+3851 1.392 0.569 0.400L 1.332L

## LD355
GSC3560.1804 193523.12 +480300.7 (2000.0) 13.96 1 N
USNO1350.10964380 193523.128 +480301.31 (2000.0) 13.5 14.0

## LD356
GSC3564.2375 193738.49 +490751.0 (2000.0) 12.43 1
GSC3564.2375 193738.49 +490751.0 (2000.0) 11.77 1
USNO1350.11023036 193738.515 +490751.11 (2000.0) 14.0 18.8
IRAS19362+4900 193614.4 +490054 (1950.0)
    F12=2.29  F25=1.20  F60=0.40L F100=1.00L
    VAR=61 LRS=-1
 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
193738.0 +490751 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J193738.09+490751.9 12.77 (1.496) m 
193737.8 +490745 (2000.0) IRAS19362+4900 2.391 1.171 0.400L 1.000L 61%
193737.8 +490745 (2000.0) SSC19362+4900 2.391 1.171 0.400L 1.000L
193739.4 +490759 (2000.0) FSC19362+4901 2.461 1.176 0.205L 0.751L

## LD357
GSC3147.1366 193908.49 +432349.8 (2000.0) 12.83 1
USNO1275.12070070 193908.494 +432349.92 (2000.0) 12.1 15.7
IRAS19375+4316 193732.5 +431653 (1950.0)
    F12=0.91  F25=0.40  F60=0.40L F100=5.25L
    VAR=10 LRS=-1
 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
 or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large
      distance, may be carbon-rich
193908.3 +432345 (2000.0) ROTSE1_J193908.32+432345.2 11.56 (0.558) lpv 
193908.8 +432349 (2000.0) IRAS19375+4316 0.941 0.394 0.400L 5.457L 10%
193908.8 +432349 (2000.0) SSC19375+4316 0.941 0.394 0.400L 5.457L
193908.8 +432351 (2000.0) FSC19375+4316 0.895 0.346 0.195L 2.498L

## LD358
USNO1275.12207150 194206.656 +380337.15 (2000.0) 12.9 16.2
IRAS19403+3756 194020.7 +375631 (1950.0)
    F12=0.83  F25=0.40  F60=0.40L F100=2.09 
    VAR=10 LRS=-1
 possibly II: variable star with 'young' O-rich circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
 or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large
      distance, may be carbon-rich
194207.2 +380339 (2000.0) IRAS19403+3756 0.822 0.389 0.400L 2.044 10%
194207.2 +380339 (2000.0) SSC19403+3756 0.822 0.389 0.400L 2.044

## LD359
IRAS19406+4715 194040.0 +471545 (1950.0)
    F12=25.11  F25=17.37  F60=2.29  F100=1.00L
    VAR=99 LRS=29
    blue, 10micron (silicate) emission, strength=9
    IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell
194208.2 +472254 (2000.0) IRAS19406+4715 24.630 16.740 2.294 1.000L 99% 5(LRS)
194208.2 +472254 (2000.0) SSC19406+4715 24.630 16.740 2.294 1.000L
194208.6 +472258 (2000.0) FSC19406+4715 20.630 14.660 2.150 1.123L

## LD360
GSC3144.947 194308.72 +413414.2 (2000.0) 13.62 1
USNO1275.12255474 194308.717 +413414.23 (2000.0) 12.1 15.6
IRAS19414+4126 194127.1 +412654 (1950.0)
    F12=0.40  F25=0.25L F60=0.40L F100=3.31L
    VAR=-1 LRS=-1
194307.4 +413406 (2000.0) IRAS19414+4126 0.394 0.250L 0.400L 3.213L -1%
194307.4 +413406 (2000.0) SSC19414+4126 0.394 0.250L 0.400L 3.213L

## LD361
USNO1275.12308817 194415.708 +391112.35 (2000.0) 13.5 20.4

## LD362
USNO1275.12458193 194715.800 +442706.27 (2000.0) 12.6 16.0

## LD363
USNO1275.12497936 194758.844 +384554.17 (2000.0) 12.4 19.0
IRAS19462+3838 194612.7 +383822 (1950.0)
    F12=0.91  F25=0.30  F60=0.40L F100=17.37L
    VAR= 0 LRS=-1
 possibly I: oxygen-rich non-variable star without circumstellar shell
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
 or VIa: non-variable star with relatively cold dust at large
      distance, may be carbon-rich
194758.6 +384553 (2000.0) IRAS19462+3838 0.944 0.292 0.400L 17.920L 0%
194758.6 +384553 (2000.0) SSC19462+3838 0.944 0.292 0.400L 17.920L

## LD364
USNO1275.12584366 194925.776 +373200.20 (2000.0) 12.4 13.7
IRAS19476+3724 194738.2 +372421 (1950.0)
    F12=1.58  F25=0.83  F60=0.44L F100=3.63L
    VAR=98 LRS=-1
 possibly IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell
 or VIb: variable star with relatively hot dust close to
      the star and relatively cold dust at large distance
      may be O-rich
 or VII: variable star with more evolved C-rich circumstellar shell
194926.3 +373157 (2000.0) IRAS19476+3724 1.641 0.841 0.417L 3.597L 98%
194926.3 +373157 (2000.0) SSC19476+3724 1.641 0.841 0.417L 3.597L

## LD365
GSC3149.1648 195206.72 +433107.6 (2000.0) 13.36 1
GSC3149.1648 195206.75 +433108.1 (2000.0) 12.28 1

## LD366
IRAS19581+4723 195808.8 +472316 (1950.0)
    F12=6.31  F25=3.98  F60=0.48  F100=20.89L
    VAR=99 LRS=-1
    IIIa: variable star with more evolved O-rich c.s. shell
195939.2 +473132 (2000.0) IRAS19581+4723 6.313 3.843 0.490 21.510L 99%
195939.2 +473132 (2000.0) SSC19581+4723 6.313 3.843 0.490 21.510L

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