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[vsnet-id 153] (fwd) FASTT variables TDFs (Greaves)

(fwd) FASTT variables TDFs (Greaves)

Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 12:09:16 +0000
From: JG <jgts@jgws.totalserve.co.uk>
Subject: FASTT variables TDFsFASTT variables TDFs

There are, of course, more unknown variables than known ones.

Of late, however, it seems to me that there are _more_ known unknown
variables than there are known known variables!

Cross identification/referencing is becoming an increasing problem.  For
instance star number 757 in FASTT1 is star number 1774 in FASTT2 is
'single image' AC2000 132566 is AI Serpentis.

Here I present Guide 7 TDF files for Dr Henden [et al]'s FASTT variables
sourced via:-


for FASTT1, with published details in Henden, A. A., Stone, R. C., AJ
115, 296 [1998] [available in PDF via adsabs.harvard.edu]; and


for currently ongoing FASTT2 with specific details unpublished as yet,
to the best of my knowledge, but the above paper will probably also be
useful here.

[FASTT1 and FASTT2 may be my constructs, and not official distinguishing

The above files can be downloaded directly to the user's Guide home
directory, and do not need to be modified in any way whatsoever [this is
because unprocessed TeX, despite all it's evilty, is still ASCII at
base. Further I have taken steps to parse around nearly all problems].
The fact that they use the Unix style line end character is irrelevant.

The relevant TDFs appear below, demarked by superfluous rows of
=============, and should also be placed in the user's home Guide

Note that preceding '>' symbols are to be ignored/removed as they are
only there because of email coding problems.  The '~' character is the
'tilda' character.  Long lines between the lines starting 'text' and
'pref' should all start with a '~': if not they have been wrapped on
transferal and are in need of appropriate correction.  The long line
starting 'type' should be immediately followed by the line starting
'label', so correct if it becomes wrapped.  A normal text editor will

The TDFs should be cut and paste and saved as FASTT1.tdf and FASTT2.tdf
in the Guide home directory.

FASTT1 objects are shown as labelled green plusses {+}, whilst FASTT2
objects are labelled green crosses {x}: the FASTT objects common to both
1 & 2 [they are _not_ all common, and the numbering system isn't the
same, as often happens] therefore appear as green asterix like objects
with two labels!  They default to being ON at sub 15 degree fields.

HS is the official prefix for FASTT1 running numbers.  Here I have
arbitrarily constructed 2HS as the prefix for FASTT2 running numbers
[HS2 could cause number confusion].

GOTO TDF - FASTT n will work in the usual way.

MORE INFO will give magnitude and any variability details as per the
above reference: note that R(F) = Rsubscripted_F is the FASTT Red
magnitude as described in the above paper.

I've checked conditionals [and RA and Dec!] to ensure they work where

Cross indexing on any particular object is aided by having all
possible/relevant datasets turned _on_.  Remember that current GCVS
positions are frequently the most inaccurate.

I present these files for general chart making, checking for any cross
identification of particular objects of interest, and more detailed work
[ie it is possible to overlay the field with USNO and/or DSS images, and
even IRAS error ellipses: see the www.projectpluto.com pages for advice
on these free upgrade abilities/datasets]. Such investigations can be a
useful first step prior to any more expensive on line means like SIMBAD,
VIZIER or the absolutely marvellous ALADIN [never use any other plate
server!], or as a filter to test whether objects actually warrant any
such further work.

This is the last in my current run of TDF files for variables.
Suggestions for any other relevant datasets are welcome, but I will need
a full source in ascii giving at least object name and co-ordinates,
whilst more involved datasets will also need column descriptors.
Datasets need to consist of a couple of hundred objects, preferably
more, to be worthwhile. [No unsolicited dataset attachments thanks: ask



John Greaves

file henden~1.tex
title FASTT 1
RA H  20  2
RA M  23  2
RA S  26  5
de d  36  3
de m  40  2
de s  43  4
text  1  4
>~b  1   4 FASTT 1\n
>~b  1   4 HS %s\n
>~r  8   9 SDSS :  %s\n
>~b  5 0 * KNOWN VARIABLE\n
>~r  1   4 \nRA : %R  (J2000)\n
>~r  1   4 Dec: %D  (J2000)\n\n
>~b 52   5 R(F) mag :  %s\n
>~r 60   4 R(F) rms :  %s\n
>~r 67   4 FHWM x:y :  %s\n
>~r 74   4 FHWM err :  %s\n
>~r 81   2 Num. Obs.:  %s\n\n
>~c 88 0 g Type : HIGH\n
>~r 88 0 g Type : one bright point above mean\n
>~c 88 0 w Type : LOW\n
>~r 88 0 w Type : one faint point below mean\n
>~c 88 0 V Type : LPV\n
>~r 88 0 V Type : probable long period variable\n
>~c 90 0 * [constant ?]\n
>~c 89 0 * [constant ?]\n
>~r 88 0 g Scatter for bright point :
>~r 88 0 w Scatter for faint point :
>~r 88 0 V Period Estimate :
>~r 96   8   %s\n
>~r 90 0 * [possibly non-variable due to high point being astrometric
error outlier]\n
>~r 89 0 * [possibly non-variable due to low point being astrometric
error outlier]\n
>~r  1 4   \n\nREFERENCE : Henden,A.A.,Stone,R.C.,Astron.Journ.,115,296
>~r  1 4

pref HS
epoch 2000
offset 378
type sc1;m0,0;l-20,0;m0,0;l0,20;m0,0;l0,-20;m0,0;l20,0;
label spaces
goto spaces
field 0 150
mag lim 0
shown 1

file table2s.tex
title FASTT 2
RA H  22  2
RA M  25  2
RA S  28  5
de d  38  3
de m  42  2
de s  45  4
text  1  4
>~b  1   4 FASTT 2\n
>~b  1   4 2HS %s\n
>~r  8  11 SDSS :  %s\n
>~r  1   4 \nRA : %R  (J2000)\n
>~r  1   4 Dec: %D  (J2000)\n\n
>~b 54   5 R(F) mag :  %s\n
>~r 62   4 R(F) rms :  %s\n
>~r 69   4 FHWM x:y :  %s\n
>~r 76   4 FHWM err :  %s\n
>~r 83   2 Num. Obs.:  %s\n\n
>~c 90 0 g Type : HIGH\n
>~r 90 0 g Type : one bright point above mean\n
>~c 90 0 w Type : LOW\n
>~r 90 0 w Type : one faint point below mean\n
>~c 92 0 * [constant ?]\n
>~c 91 0 * [constant ?]\n
>~r 90 0 g Scatter for bright point :
>~r 90 0 w Scatter for faint  point :
>~r 98   8   %s\n
>~r 92 0 * [possibly non-variable due to high point being astrometric
error outlier]\n
>~r 91 0 * [possibly non-variable due to low point being astrometric
error outlier]\n
>~r  1 4   \nuses

pref 2HS
epoch 2000
offset 378
type sc1;m-1,-1;l-15,-15;m-1,1;l-15,15;m1,-1;l15,-15;m1,1;l15,15;
label spaces
goto spaces
field 0 150
mag lim 0
shown 1

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