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[vsnet-id-2mass 1] New list: vsnet-id-2mass

New list: vsnet-id-2mass

Dear Colleagues,

    We have set up a new list, vsnet-id-2mass, which is partly a sub-list
of vsnet-id and vsnet-survey.  This list deals with individual and bluk
identifications of the 2MASS infrared source catalogs.  Because of the
slightly different nature of the catalog from conventional variable star
catalogs, we regard this list as a separate entity from the simple
identification list vsnet-id.  Some of suggested identifications may also
lead to discoveries of new red variables and other interesting objects.

    For descriptions of the 2MASS usage, see [vsnet-survey 42]:


    The initial list of vsnet-id-2mass includes members of vsnet-id.
If one wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to vsnet-id-2mass,
please send a message to vsnet-adm, with a text line

    SUBSCRIBE vsnet-id-2mass your e-mail address  or
    UNSUBSCRIBE vsnet-id-2mass your e-mail address

    Please feel free to distribute this message to interested parties
or persons who may be interested in this field of variable stars.

Taichi Kato
on behalf of the VSNET administrator team

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