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[vsnet-history 642] SN1993J onset time (de Vaucouleurs)

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 19:24:56 GMT
From: gav@astro.as.utexas.edu (Gerard de Vaucouleurs)
Subject: SN1993J onset time

Dear Dr. Kidger:
In your e-mail of 04/06/93 you stated "I stick by my date of
March 25.5-26.0 for the start of the explosion" [i.e. JD9072.0
-9072.5], then discuss the posibility of a later date
"(probably around March 27.5). I know that de Vaucouleurs favours
this later date." [i.e. 9074.0].
I wonder where you gained that idea, because it is simply not so.
In my e-mail of 04/05/93 13:54:25 CDT which was sent to you and
several others I stated explicitely "A preliminary reduction of
 ~50 available estimates to the Johnson V system ... suggests that
the V maximum was reached on JD9077.7 at V = 10.5, B - V = + 0.3,
WITH ONSET NEAR JD9072.0."  As you can see we are in very close 
I am sending copies of this message to a few people so there
will be no lingering misunderstanding.
I was not aware of the Merlin negative observation you mention;
what was his limiting magnitude? 
Your tabulation of multicolor observations is a very useful
complement to Dr. Kato's detailed listings. 
With best wishes,
G. de Vaucouleurs (gav@astro.as.utexas.edu)
cc: wheel,alex,tkato,buta,sco,hgcjr,gav

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