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[vsnet-grb 386] (fwd) Rome2002 GRB Workshop - First Announcement

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 12:49:15 +0100 (NFT)
From: <roma2002@ias.rm.cnr.it>
Subject: Rome2002 GRB Workshop - First Announcement 


	Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era:
                    3rd Workshop

	       A Joint CNR-OAB Meeting

                C.N.R. Headquarters
                  P.le A. Moro, 7
                    Rome - Italy

              September 17-20, 2002

	Five years after the discovery of the first afterglow, the GRB
Science is still the most dynamic branch of High Energy Astrophysics both
as an independent topic and in connections with other domains.

	At the terminal part of its life BeppoSAX has still been producing
data of high quality with the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor and the Wide Field
Cameras. Meanwhile, HETE-2 has at last achieved the full functionality
yielding, by itself or in connection with IPN, providing a significant
number of positions in progressively shorter times. Combining the
BeppoSAX, ASM, HETE-2 and IPN positions and including the still puzzling
X-ray Flashes, more than 100 accurate localizations are now available,
allowing not only the study of single bursts but also a first order
statistical approach. Moreover, the quick distribution of HETE-2
localizations is allowing for faster ToO observations helping to fill the
gap between WFC and NFI BeppoSAX observations. Chandra and XMM-Newton are
progressively increasing their engagement in the GRB afterglow
observations, providing spectral data with high energy resolution and
sensitive detections of late fluxes.

	On the other side optical- and radio-telescopes are increasing
their coverage, with the consequent increase of the number of afterglow
sources, hosts, redshifts and dark GRBs. A scenario of GRB environment is
being built on the basis of the X-ray and these lower wavelength
observations. GRBs are now definitely recognized as an important tool for
the study of the Star and Galaxy Formation, evolution of the Early
Universe and, more generally, for Cosmology.  Important contributions to
solve many open issues and to support the theoretical investigations are
expected from the coming missions, in the launch order, INTEGRAL, SWIFT,
AGILE, GLAST, and from other missions now under study.

	With the ambition of providing the community a chance to fix the
state of the art of the GRB science, the open issues and prospects, we are
going to hold the 3rd Workshop "Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era" at
CNR Headquarters in Rome on September 17 to 20, 2002.

	The 2002 workshop is organized by the new national CNR Institute
of Space Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics (IASF), which includes the two
former CNR Institutes (IAS, ITESRE) that organized the previous meetings,
and by the Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Merate, which is a major
contributor to the SWIFT mission. The meeting will be hosted, as in the
past, at CNR Headquarters, right in the Center of Rome.

Additional information may be obtained at:


or sending an e-mail to the Local Organizing Committee:


Calendar of Events

 12    	March  		2002   		First Announcement
  1    	April	 	2002   		Call for Papers and Abstract Submission
 30   	June     	2002   		Abstracts Submission Deadline
 31   	July      	2002   		Final Scientific Program available
  4	August		2002		Deadline for Early Registration
17-20 	September 	2002   		Scientific Workshop
  1    	December  	2002   		Manuscripts Due Date


	Unlike the previous meeting, there will be no session or separate
miniworkshop concerning the Soft Gamma Repeaters and the Anomalous X-ray
Pulsar. Attendees who are interested in this topics are invited to extend
their stay in Italy and participate to the workshop Pulsars, AXPs and SGRs
Observed with BeppoSAX and Other Observatories that will be held in
Marsala (Sicily) on 23-25 September 2002.

More information on this meeting are available at:


Looking forward to see you in Rome.

The Rome2002 GRB Workshop Organizers

Guido Chincarini, Enrico Costa, Filippo Frontera, and Luigi Piro

     Gamma Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era - Third Workshop

		     17-20 September 2002
	           Rome - CNR Headquarters


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