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[vsnet-gcvs 314] (fwd) [vsnet-chat 6107] Re: NMO Campaign

   (Forwarded because of potential interest to the GCVS people, regarding
the required catalog completeness? precision?).

Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 00:33:52 -0600
From: Seiichi Yoshida <comet@aerith.net>

Dear Taichi,

>    The main difficulty of PIXY would be that the software tries to make
> catalog correlations with a single catalog (e.g. GCVS) at one time.
> To the "eye" of the correlation software, the sky would look "filled with
> variable stars only".  If the software would incorporate multiple catalog
> correlation (e.g. combination of GCVS and GSC/USNO), confusions with
> "bright nearby stars" would be more efficiently removed.  It would be
> even adequate not to report anything when there is a bright cataloged
> nearby star.

I do not think so. Actually, what you wrote is the way I used using
the old version of the PIXY System (PIXY 1). But finally, I judged it
was useless function, and I deleted it from the new version (PIXY 2).

Your solution can remark some stars whose magnitude data to be
deleted. But it will not be perfect, due to the incompleteness of
catalogs. So I had to check all stars by eye anyway, even using the
function. No time was reduced. That is why I judged it is useless.

There are some other remarkable problems in the GCVS catalog. One is
that it contains many stars whose position is inaccurate. Another is
that it does not contain a proper magnitude. Actually, it contains a
variable range, but it is extremely unreliable. For example, a 19B mag
star can be detected from unfiltered CCD images around 11 mag or so!

>From the viewpoints of them, I recommend to create a proper catalog
too, which only contains stars with accurate position, and which
contains proper magnitude or only stars which can be detected on your

>    This problem needs to be fixed from the both sides: PIXY and Maciej.
> It may simply be a result of bad CCD response (non-linearity etc.),
> or the combination of problems in PIXY and Maciej's method.  Once Maciej

I imagine the Maciej's style, not trailing stars because the camera is
on the fixed mount, can be a reason. But still I do not know. I hope
Maciej send me some sets of images of the same field on the same night
for investigation.

Best regards,

Seiichi Yoshida

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