From: "Mike Simonsen" <> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 20:29:26 -0500 Subject: [vsnet-id 597] Re: GCVS errors for CVs The positions I quoted are from Henden and Sumner. They are primarily the ones that are grossly different than the GCVS positions. There are some subtle differences to the D&S online catalogue as well. That is the reason I included the link to the sequences. There are notes in the text files explaining these subtle differences. There are a few more, like KZ Gem and EG Lac that the positions are still undetermined. I did not include them because they have not been positively identified. My main intent was to respond to the suggestion that the GCVS and other online sources could be updated if new or more accurate information came to light. Mike Simonsen