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[vsnet-ecl 711] Re: [vsnet-obs 42095] (fwd) Zeta Aur

>    Could someone help?
> Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 12:23:00 +0300 (MSK)
> From: "Nikolai N. Samus" <samus@sai.msu.ru>
> Dear Dr. Kato,
> A Byelorussian astronomer, I.S. Bryukhanov (semi-professional,
> semi-amateur), uses to estimate Zeta Aur visually. Recently he reports
> (NOT FOR THE FIRST TIME) an unpredicted fading of the star and asks is
> someone could check the star's brightness photoelectrically. I'll see what
> I can do in Russia, but I don't expect much success, first of all because
> of weather. Can someone help Mr. Bryukhanov in Japan?
> Best regards
> Kolya

Dear colleagues,

Last night I observed zeta Aurigae and it is normal at maximum at 3.7.
If something happened it was short-lived.

Best regards,

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