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[vsnet-ecl 396] (fwd) Where is MMO 705?

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From: "Mati Morel" <morel@ozemail.com.au>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 14:57:23 +1000
Subject: [vsnet-chat 4868] Where is MMO 705?

While browsing through some old issues of IBVS, I came upon number 512 (1971
January 28), in which L.J.Robinson and M. Harwood report the discovery of a
new long-period eclipsing binary, provisional name MMO 705. I assume MMO
means "Maria Mitchell Observatory".  The star is located, according to IBVS
512, at (1900) 18h45.0m  -835'.  The basic parameters of this system seem
well established - range 13.3-15.6p,  period 31.9384d. A small finder chart
is given.  However when I compared it with a Guide7 plot it did not match
very well. I checked other possible positions, north and south, to no avail.
The coordinates seem to be in error.

Interestingly, no matching variable could be found in the GCVS, in Scutum or
nearby constellations.  It appears that MMO 705 is yet to receive a GCVS
name; possibly the identification problem was noticed years ago, and is yet
to be solved.

Does anyone have further information on MMO 705?

Mati Morel


From: "Jim Bedient" <bedient@hawaii.rr.com>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 00:02:25 -1000
Subject: [vsnet-chat 4869] Re: [AAVSO-DIS] Where is MMO 705?

I'm wondering if it might be CF Sct, B1900 position 18 43 00.6 -08 28 43
(about .5 degrees away from the position given for MMO 705).  It's listed in
the GCVS as ranging from 13.4 - 15.0, period 31.9415 days - pretty close.
Another possibility might be FM Sct, B1900 position 18 45 25.5 -08 38 05.
Its period is given as 1.451404 days, which is almost exactly 1/22 the
period given for MMO 705 in IBVS 512.

I'm no expert, just browsing VizieR late at night....

Jim Bedient
Honolulu, HI

From: "mbald00" <mbald00@hsonline.net>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 05:35:16 -0500
Subject: [vsnet-chat 4870] Re: [AAVSO-DIS] Where is MMO 705?

The GCVS indicates that Margaret Harwood also wrote an article on CF Sct
published in the Leiden Annals, 21, No. 8, 387, 1962.  Might be a clue

Marv Baldwin
Butlerville, IN

From: "Mati Morel" <morel@ozemail.com.au>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 22:57:24 +1000
Subject: [vsnet-chat 4871] Re: MMO 705

Thanks to John Greaves, Jim Bedient and Marvin Baldwin for pointing me in
the right direction.  There is no doubt that MMO 705 = CF Sct, the IBVS
finder chart matches perfectly.  I was surprised to find that CF Sct was
discovered as far back as 1943; evidently Robinson and Harwood
"rediscovered" it, but didn't  recognize it as such. Their published
coordinates are badly out which didn't help at all.
Thanks again,
Mati Morel


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