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[vsnet-ecl 349] Re: Fw: V1436 Aql question

Dear All,

I have consulted the chicken entrails and come up with an ephemeris for
V1436 Aql from the Hipparcos data. Many of the points are unreliable or
flagged so it was a messy business. In the end this was about the only
believable period that I could find.

The ephemeris and the next 10 minima are given below but the uncertainty
in the period means that observations within about 0.3 days of these times
would be very useful. If anything, the period is slightly shorter than
this, so the eclipses may occur slightly earlier than given. It's a short
period system so sooner or later everyone should have a crack at it. With
this period the eclipse lasts about 0.2 days and is possibly total,
although this seems a bit unlikely.

V1436 Aql is a nearby dwarf M-type star and is a visual double with a
companion about 3 mag fainter at 5 arcsec.

  Ephemeris for V1436 Aql    To=2448509.0200 +   1.29230000xE
          JD       Year  Mo   Date     UT   Min Cycle
     2452026.6606  2001   4  27.1606   3:51  I   2721
     2452027.9529  2001   4  28.4529  10:52  I   2722
     2452029.2452  2001   4  29.7452  17:53  I   2723
     2452030.5375  2001   5   1.0375   0:53  I   2724
     2452031.8298  2001   5   2.3298   7:54  I   2725
     2452033.1221  2001   5   3.6221  14:55  I   2726
     2452034.4144  2001   5   4.9144  21:56  I   2727
     2452035.7067  2001   5   6.2067   4:57  I   2728
     2452036.9990  2001   5   7.4990  11:58  I   2729
     2452038.2913  2001   5   8.7913  18:59  I   2730

Cheers Chris Lloyd

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