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[vsnet-ecl 339] Re: [vsnet-chat 4226] FM Leonis - Another HIP EA
I observed FM Leo with a CCD on a 25cm LX200 from 02:50 until 07:10 UT today
(April 19). The star was constant from 02:50 until at least 06:15. There
may be some possible fading between 06:15 and 07:10 (less than 0.02 mag),
but this could easily be due to extinction as the field was getting quite
low here.
Shawn Dvorak
Rolling Hills Observatory
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sebastian Otero" <varsao@fullzero.com.ar>
To: "vsnet-chat" <vsnet-chat@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>; "VSNet-ecl"
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 2:37 PM
Subject: [vsnet-chat 4226] FM Leonis - Another HIP EA
> More about Hipparcos eclipsing binaries.
> About last night's message about V1154 TAURI, I forgot that there was A
> RECENT ECLIPSE OBSERVATION from Kari, so it must have helped Chris with
> new period. I only used Hipparcos three secondary eclipses observations
> determine the longer period...
> SORRY !!!
> FM Leonis will probably be in eclipse next wednesday (for the Americas)
> night.
> There is a 35.66094 days periodicity confirmed but it is probably not the
> true period, since primary eclipse is rather deep (0.5 magnitudes) and
> less than 0.27 days.
> So the period is -almost for sure- shorter than 35 days.
> Anyway, accurate observations can refine the numbers to make further
> analysis.
> Look at FM Leonis (not a radio station!! :-)) during the time centered in
> April 19.272 and see what happens.
> Secondary minima are just 0.15 mag. deep.
> FM Leonis is at V= 8.45 at maximum. If you catch a primary eclipse you'll
> see it as faint as 9.0.
> I have prepared a chart available at:
> http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_FM_Leo.htm
> Finder chart at:
> http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_FM_LeoBusc.htm
> Cheers,
> Sebastian.
> ---
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