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[vsnet-ecl 200] EF Orionis
The GCVS list EF Ori = AN 138.1938 = GSC 738.1561 as an Algol-type eclipsing
binary with the elements of
Min I := (HJD) 2425247,54 + 3,7012 * E.
New lightelectric times of minimum light observed by german and czech
amateurs does not confirm the period of the GCVS. New elements have been
computed to
Min I := (HJD) 2451568,394 (5) + 1,619438 (8) * E.
A period twice the value given above of 3,238876 days is also possible.
Min. Source O-C
25247,54 AN 238,20 -0,123
25506,64 AN 238,20 -0,133
25532,54 AN 238,20 -0,144
50096,3213 IBVS 4887 -0,0036
50138,4277 IBVS 4887 -0,0026
50585,4073 Peter Frank 0,012
51176,4831 Peter Frank -0,0072
51555,4429 M. Zejda 0,004
51568,3917 M. Zejda -0,0027
Michael Dahm
Email : marvin.siriuscorp@planet-interkom.de
Homepage : www.planet-interkom.de/marvin.siriuscorp/