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[vsnet-ecl 169] TmzV79
Dear EB observers,
We believe that we have found the likely period for the deeply eclipsing
binary TmzV79. The ephemeris of primary eclipse is
JD_minI = 2451481.42 + 3.01746xE
TmzV79 is an EA binary with a primary eclipse of possibly more than 3
magnitudes, which is currently very favourably placed for European
observers. The ephemeris follows. So far no observations have been made at
the deepest part of the minimum which reaches towards 16th magnitude.
Chris Lloyd
Timo Kinnunen
Ephemeris for TmzV79 To=2451481.4200 + 3.01746000xE
JD Year Mo Date time
2451647.3803 2000 4 12.8803 21: 7 MinI
2451650.3978 2000 4 15.8978 21:32 MinI
2451653.4152 2000 4 18.9152 21:57 MinI
2451656.4327 2000 4 21.9327 22:23 MinI
2451659.4501 2000 4 24.9501 22:48 MinI
2451662.4676 2000 4 27.9676 23:13 MinI
2451665.4851 2000 4 30.9851 23:38 MinI