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[vsnet-ecl 13] LD282

Dear Eclipsing Binary Observers,

I have recently analysed Lennart Dahlmark's observations of LD282 and I
have found a period of 1.192840 days. Recent observations by Timo Kinnunen
and Margareta Westlund appear to confirm it. More observations are
desirable and may refine the ephemeris. The observations are also
consistent with twice this period but given the depth of the minimum there
should be only one deep eclipse per orbit.

Regards Chris Lloyd

  Ephemeris for LD282 T(minI) = 2451421.422 + 1.192840xE
          JD       Year  Mo   Date    time
     2451422.6148  1999   9   1.1148   2:45
     2451423.8077  1999   9   2.3077   7:23
     2451425.0005  1999   9   3.5005  12: 0
     2451426.1934  1999   9   4.6934  16:38
     2451427.3862  1999   9   5.8862  21:16
     2451428.5790  1999   9   7.0790   1:53
     2451429.7719  1999   9   8.2719   6:31
     2451430.9647  1999   9   9.4647  11: 9
     2451432.1576  1999   9  10.6576  15:46
     2451433.3504  1999   9  11.8504  20:24
     2451434.5432  1999   9  13.0432   1: 2
     2451435.7361  1999   9  14.2361   5:39
     2451436.9289  1999   9  15.4289  10:17
     2451438.1218  1999   9  16.6218  14:55
     2451439.3146  1999   9  17.8146  19:33
     2451440.5074  1999   9  19.0074   0:10
     2451441.7003  1999   9  20.2003   4:48
     2451442.8931  1999   9  21.3931   9:26
     2451444.0860  1999   9  22.5860  14: 3
     2451445.2788  1999   9  23.7788  18:41
     2451446.4716  1999   9  24.9716  23:19
     2451447.6645  1999   9  26.1645   3:56
     2451448.8573  1999   9  27.3573   8:34
     2451450.0502  1999   9  28.5502  13:12
     2451451.2430  1999   9  29.7430  17:49
     2451452.4358  1999   9  30.9358  22:27

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