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[vsnet-discovery-nova 126] Re: Nova Sgr 2002 (No. 3): spectroscopic confirmation by Mitsugu Fujii

Re: Nova Sgr 2002 (No. 3): spectroscopic confirmation by Mitsugu Fujii

>     Mitsugu Fujii (Fujii Bisei Observatory, Okayama, Japan) reports
> (via K. Ayani, Bisei Astronomical Observatory) the spectrum of Haseda's
> new object taken on 2002 Sep. 21.44 UT.  The object shows strong Balmer
> and Fe II emission lines.  The FWHM of Halpha emission is 2400 km/s.
> This observation confirms that the object is an Fe II-class nova shortly
> after maximum.

   Fujii communicates that the spectrum can be seen at:


   (Averaged spectrum -- the mean time of the observation is different from
    the initial report)

Taichi Kato

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